Roads will still get repaired, Every time you buy gasoline you are contributing to the road fund. Its a separate tax that was actually smartly implemented and takes care of roads.
Theres a vital bridge about 10 miles from my home......its ancient, but connects to important business districts and is a major roadway in my area.
Last week the bridge was closed to traffic permanently due to safety issues. There was supposed to be a replacement bridge coming next year or so, the funding had been "secured" with some help from the federal government. Now over the last few weeks, guess what?
Doesnt look like the funding is gonna be there now, sorry no more bridge. This is going to have a MASSIVE impact for business' on both sides of the bridge. I tattooed at a shop in that neighborhood, when the bridge repairs were being done business dropped 80%, I had to leave the shop due to the income loss. All thoswe business' are going to die a quick death, no way around it besides to move if possible.
So sorry nodrama, i can tell you first hand roads arent being fixed and bridges are not being replaced already, you dont think that some of the federal cuts arent going to impact that even more? The states also get money from the feds for road/highway/bridge repair, you dont think that pool of federal money wont be impacted?