Wow Grow's Multi Strain Journal

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hey wowzie ready for harvest this weekend? do you like to smoke scissor hash? please take lots of pictures of the mystery so i can see how pretty she is before her beautiful death. have fun and enjoy the harvest. what a beast you grew. ill never foget her. Ill will smoke a fatty at summit this weekend in respect for the mystery.. take it easy wowzer.. ambs


Well-Known Member
I feel ya there man, its 10 weeks before i see the next lump. and its killing me now...

my posts aren't as nice as ambers lol.
lol she was bad mouthing use in her thread, it aint all smileys and multi colours ;) haha, im just jossin ya doc!

Hey wowzie ready for harvest this weekend? do you like to smoke scissor hash? please take lots of pictures of the mystery so i can see how pretty she is before her beautiful death. have fun and enjoy the harvest. what a beast you grew. ill never foget her. Ill will smoke a fatty at summit this weekend in respect for the mystery.. take it easy wowzer.. ambs
im so fuckin excited to pull her out of there, sort of shit she couldve had her final swell but its not worth the risk of pollinating the others. scissor hash fucked me up last time lol, I LOVE IT! I will get lots of pics but i think your biggin her up too much doc, shes a mystery that's for sure!


Well-Known Member
i'm also anticipating some harvest shots, get some pics of the nanners too, i seem to have developed a taste for tranny porn of late....................


Well-Known Member
sorry fellas, got 3 hours done yesterday but didnt get a start on the smaller stuff, ill post some pics later on


Well-Known Member
another early riser, couldn't sleep with the thought of a few buds to trim eh?, scissor hash joint for the breakfast joint, set you up nicely for the busy day


Well-Known Member
lol i only arose at that time for a piss and some co cocadomol, got a banging headache still. 3 bottles of wine put me on my kiester


Well-Known Member
its a nice alternative to vodka redbulls, white wine gives me a better drunk than beer and cider lol, whisky an most other spirits make me get larey with everyone


Well-Known Member

So heres the tent as it is now, lots of room now.

mystery harvest

this last shot is a bit misleading because theres 2 rows of buds you just cant see them, think ive hit my 6oz target and with a SHIT load of hash lol.




Well-Known Member

So heres the tent as it is now, lots of room now.

mystery harvest

this last shot is a bit misleading because theres 2 rows of buds you just cant see them, think ive hit my 6oz target and with a SHIT load of hash lol.

Lookin tremendous wow!!!...................good growin mate, that mystery is beautiful bro and the harvest looks good to!, im hopin your closer the 7oz mark that was my guess :)


Well-Known Member
haha cheers bro, I wouldnt mind it being closer to 7 either ;) 6 is a good estimate I reckon

heres a bit of root porn for you, airpots are the Sheeeeeeet


