I'm in NorCal and all the dispensaries owners Ive spoken with say that anyone, AS LONG AS THEY ARE LEGAL, can grow and sell to the clubs, however, like others have said if you want to get a fair price for it then it had better be good quality buds. They will scrutinize your shit with a microscope and sometimes even send a sample in to a lab to have a battery of tests done to determine quality, thc %, molds, fungus and other contaminants and if it doesn't meet a certain criteria they won't buy it. One way to ensure a club will buy your bud is to find out what strains are the rarest and most coveted in your area, example: here in NorCal most of the dispensaries are usually stocked with lots of Blue Dream, White Widow, Sour Diesel, Afghan Kusk, Purple Kush, Train Wreck, and that's just to name a few, however, Woody Kush on the other hand Ive only found at one Collective here in NorCal so If you grew that and it turned out great I can guarantee you'll sell it and at a decent price to because the club won't want you to take it somewhere else. Woody Kush is just one strain that is rare around here, I'm sure if you did some research you would find a few other strains the clubs are lacking in and don't forget you can sell clones to the clubs also, especially the rare in your area strains.
Also, just FYI if your tired of cramped fingers from trimming using scissors there is the Ardvark which is a trimmer that you attach to a vacuum and trims MUCH FASTER & EASIER than standard clippers, however at around $500-$600 its not cheap so if you can't afford that (like me, lol) then you could get something like the
FlowBee or even make one of your own which is what I'm going to try. The design and principal seems easy enough to "Macgyver" something similar from stuff around the house or a quick & cheap trip to the hardware store. I mean all it really is is a vacuum attachment with a razor blade carefully placed inside the intake valve so when the leaf gets sucked in you flip your wrist and the razor cuts it, very effective but a relatively simple design also, makes me wonder why they charge so much for it????