what strain is bagseed?


Active Member
I'm trying really hard not to be rude, because others have been so patient with me when I'VE said something retarded.

1) You asked 'what strain is bagseed?' Did it not occur to you that bagseed may be seeds from your bag? (of weed?)
2) Many people gave you a clear and concise answer, but you ignored them until one was rephrased with more articulate vocabulary. I wonder if you even read what they all said or you just responded to the one that sounded the most intelligent.
3) You asked what strain is grown commercially. Were you under the impression that all weed you ever bought was the same strain because it was 'commercial?'
4) You then asked Which strain to grow, once you realised there is more than one kind of weed in the world. Well, what are YOUR requirements?

Google 'strains of marijuana', read about them and just pick one that sounds good to you.

You can ask the guy at the counter what he thinks when you go to buy seeds.

I understand there are regional trends and preferences (like London having every kind of Cheese), but all you have to do is take a look around.

Honestly, I am not trying to be rude, but I'm a little girl with learning disabilities who can say and do THE MOST STUPID things, but I'm still astounded by this thread. All you had to ask was 'which strains are most economically viable to grow commercially under x conditions', then explain your demographic, setup and experience. There's no shame in picking a hardier strain because you are inexperienced or simply lack the free time to baby your plants. As aforementioned, if you want to cultivate and sell anything for profit you OBVIOUSLY want low input->high yield, but is appealing. What weed do YOU like to smoke? You want to sell something you wouldn't mind sampling yourself.

But I'll say it again, I'm really not trying to be a total bitch, it's nothing personal. I love the bible quote by the way.
+REP well said!!! This is one truly ridiculous thread =)


Active Member
This thread is a magnet for retard'os. Don't people ever look at the post date??

Well at least "bammer" is now called "the fish". Lol


Well-Known Member
why in gods name does someone grow bagseed. You spend all this time money and effort, produce a crop to have your friends tell you "wow this is some really good shwag" are you kidding me? it's like going to college to get a degree to flip burgers. Sure you could do it but why would you? I don't get it !!

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
if i grew ak47 commercially would people call it bagseed?
Not if they know it's AK47. Bagseed is a name for random, unidentified seeds. Unless you know who picked those seeds and grew them out, you'll never know exactly what strain it is, outside of the general Sativa or Indica traits. Then you have hybrids, and that adds exponentially to seemingly endless crosses we have today. But for new growers like me - it's like a cool prize in a cracker jack box ;)


New Member
the strain is called yawn its getting late and i think there are some better threads to visit let me go look


Well-Known Member
Thing is if you get seeds they could look nothing like their mother or father because of the genetic square. It could be a peice of shit for all we know, thats why its called bagseed bro. Reasoning on why you can't get something dank is because it obviously it was bred on accident, and probably not with any decent genetics. Thats why everyone assumes that bagseed is shit weed, because its an F1 generation seed. Could be mutated for all we know.