The New Limewire

cary schellie

Active Member
has anyone here tried spotify, its like limewire but u dont have to wait to download, its instant and free, idk how they do it. I belive its gonna be the next new hot thing. Ive been so happy to here songs i thought id never hear again when all the file sharing got banned. u must have an invite to join


Well-Known Member
Just limewire got shut down. Any other program that used the gnutella network (the same p2p network limewire used) is still running. That network sucked anyways, use torrents.

cary schellie

Active Member
idk why the invite, u can request one and they send it to ur email. its pretty sweet though, why pay for music? so i can fuel artist drug addictions or help pay for gold plated toilet seats


New Member
idk why the invite, u can request one and they send it to ur email. its pretty sweet though, why pay for music? so i can fuel artist drug addictions or help pay for gold plated toilet seats
ok cool i been needing to load some new muzak
i thought by invite u meant u had to have a member invite u
please pm me a link bro i needz some new jams bad havent been able to do shit since limewire shut down


New Member
idk why the invite, u can request one and they send it to ur email. its pretty sweet though, why pay for music? so i can fuel artist drug addictions or help pay for gold plated toilet seats
no i agree save the money for our own gold plated toilet seats and our addictions

or save it to buy blank cds to burn music on

heir proctor

New Member
I got an invite to Spotify when it first hit the US. Meh. I like owning the music. Being able to put it on my mp3 player and listen to it anywhere. They do have a good selection but there are commercials, and you are limited to only like (24?) or so hours of listening a month. Limewire always sucked. Torrents are okay. There are much better methods to download free music though.

Spotify is great to have though. I use it to listen to music before I actually download the album.


New Member
I got an invite to Spotify when it first hit the US. Meh. I like owning the music. Being able to put it on my mp3 player and listen to it anywhere. They do have a good selection but there are commercials, and you are limited to only like (24?) or so hours of listening a month. Limewire always sucked. Torrents are okay. There are much better methods to download free music though.

Spotify is great to have though. I use it to listen to music before I actually download the album.
well dont hold out tell us some please

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
No one has a moral quandary with stealing?

If you worked your butt off to produce a bad ass crop, you wouldnt mind other people just taking it? What the fuck?

Support music, or given the musical inclinations of most here - dont.


Well-Known Member
thank God you people created this thread..

I've been using torrents lately.. was my fav... but there's been too many trojans and other malware floating around that network.

I had decided to go back to using a LimeWire Peer-2-Peer (P2P) network.. but couldn't find any new ones available.. that really worked.

appreciate it, as I also need to upgrade my music folders.



Well-Known Member
No one has a moral quandary with stealing?

If you worked your butt off to produce a bad ass crop, you wouldnt mind other people just taking it? What the fuck?

Support music, or given the musical inclinations of most here - dont.

No, no... not really. Not when the musicians are making millions of dollars... no, not at all my friend. ;)

Works on the same principal as... for example, someone paying for gas.. when its free (theoretically speaking) at a different station just down the road.


cary schellie

Active Member
No one has a moral quandary with stealing?

If you worked your butt off to produce a bad ass crop, you wouldnt mind other people just taking it? What the fuck?

Support music, or given the musical inclinations of most here - dont.
ya i'm sure 50 cent is eating ramans, i better start paying

cary schellie

Active Member
I guess how they make money on this site is they charge 10 bucks a month if u wanna load it to ur mp3 or iphone, thats still worth it i can plug my ipad right into my car radio. It not like itunes or bull shit like it, they have hard to find bootlegs, remix ect. The sweet thing there is no download time its instant. Im just saying its worth checking out


Well-Known Member
I'm not a huge fan of Spotify. I thought it was a good service at first, but I can't stand not owning my collection of music.

Not to mention, with Spotify and other services we are at the mercy of the record companies. So when the record companies get a bug up their ass and decided to start charging spotify higher rates, they'll have to pay it. If not, the record companies will revoke their rights to play their music legally. In turn, we're going to see a price jump.

As crooked as the record industry is, I'm putting my official prediction in writing. Within a year of the Spotify launch, there will be a price jump because of the record companies.

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
VUZE! Torrenting with a almost limewire like set up, search within the program etc.

Never heard of spotify but if it's anything like Limewire, KaZaa, frostwire,'s usually very easy to get viruses using these programs. Private/invite only torrent comunnities are the best. There is virtually a zero percent chance of the files infecting your computer using these pseudo-private p2p torrent communities (torrent trackers) becuase all the torrents will be reviewed by users who dl them and if they contain any malware, the user who upploaded would most be banned. It's similar to sites like pirate bay, only its a more tight-knit, secure comminity. is a good one I know of. I'm sure there are many more music trackers out there just not sure of the names; IP Torrents is a good tracker for pretty much everything: music, movies, tv shows, documents, porn, ebooks and whatever else. Agian, access is granted on an invite only system.
Then once you have access to the tracker use programs like Vuze, UTorrent, BitTorrent to download.


Well-Known Member

Never heard of spotify but if it's anything like Limewire, KaZaa, frostwire,'s usually very easy to get viruses using these programs. Private/invite only torrent comunnities are the best. There is virtually a zero percent chance of the files infecting your computer using these pseudo-private p2p torrent communities (torrent trackers) becuase all the torrents will be reviewed by users who dl them and if they contain any malware, the user who upploaded would most be banned. It's similar to sites like pirate bay, only its a more tight-knit, secure comminity. is a good one I know of. I'm sure there are many more music trackers out there just not sure of the names; IP Torrents is a good tracker for pretty much everything: music, movies, tv shows, documents, porn, ebooks and whatever else. Agian, access is granted on an invite only system.
Then once you have access to the tracker use programs like Vuze, UTorrent, BitTorrent to download.
It's nothing like any of those. It's a completely legal way to stream any music you want. Imagine iTunes with almost any song imaginable. You don't download anything, you just stream it. If you pay for it, you can sync the music to your phone (I believe). Way better than any p2p program, still not as good as torrents.

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
Interesting. I bet this will put comcast Rhapsody out for good, now that it says it has been intorduced in the USA. But yes as far as actually downloading music, torrents are the safest, most practical way to do it.


Well-Known Member
im using spotify it is NOTHING like limewire. limewire is peer to peer sharing. spotify is a central database that has licenses with all labels to share the music for free. they are funded by those little advertisements and people who pay to not have them on there. it is 100% legal, and is going to replace pandora soon.