Too early to tell sex? (pic)


Well-Known Member
Its not 12/12 here in NY yet -- but I saw this today --

is this just new growth? Or is this the signs of the sex?



Well-Known Member
my plants have them too and i think its just new growth, but this is my first year so i wont say im 100% sure.

almost all my branches have little shoots growing on both sides. best thing to do is just watch them closely and in a day or 2 you should be able to tell if they are just new branches/leaves growing or flowers starting to form

hope this helps, i would take my advice with a grain of rice.


Well-Known Member
12/12 is more for indoors. Mine began flowering last week in PA. It's hard to tell from the pic. The nodes are alternating so you should be seeing signs soon. Check a node or two lower with a eye loupe or magnifying glass. If you see a small ball formation its probly male, if the growth lookds more like a pitcher w/ a small hair growing from it its female. You can also take a picture and zoom in on the camera, thats how I did it. Good luck and let me know what you find.


Active Member
Hard to tell but Id guess female just because it looks like a pistol and i dont see nanners(Balls)


Active Member
Not all the time, but most of the time males shoot up real fast and stay real lanky looking. Your plant has a very distinct calex with pistols protruding. Nice full healthy plant from what I can see!


Well-Known Member
Not all the time, but most of the time males shoot up real fast and stay real lanky looking. Your plant has a very distinct calex with pistols protruding. Nice full healthy plant from what I can see!
exactly whay he said those are calyx's, i live in ny also my plants were showing sex in mid july but normally in this area rite around now is when they show, diff strains vary, nice to hear about the fellow ny growers,


the nodes are alternating so the plant is fully will see sex soon if she hasnt shown yet ! I think what youre looking at in the picture is new growth. Pistils will be very obvious when you see them, 2 bright white hairs coming from a little green pod. If you see balls, destroy it !