i am 31 days into flowering


i am using tigger bloom and big bloom rt now every other time i watter and for some reason my fan leave are browning at the tips my temps are around 77 to 79 all the time and lights are 13 cfl 23 watt 2700k and 2 64 watt cfl 2700k any help would be great or should i worry at all the buds are doing great


Well-Known Member
It could be over fertilisation, but some pictures would help diagnose your issues.



Active Member
back off on the nutes a bit to every third watering, you are experiencing nute burn. Start off with using 1/4 strength then work your way up to full over a few weeks


Well-Known Member
did you start off by flushing and then giving the weakest possible dosage of nutes and allow 10% run off ?


sorry just now got your message and ya i flushed her and now am just giving her watter and i just flushed her again today will post pics now


well she be ok what can i do it looks kinda sad my other plant is doing just fine she is not as big and her buds are no where close to her sister but she is doing great


Well-Known Member
I think shes healthy as shit. If your this far along into flower and only have some burnt tips i would't worry. Post close up pics of the problems you think your having. To me she looks great :D:leaf:


this is them at 46 days and 40 days the bigger one you can see where the leves died off but the buds seem to be doing better now they are starting to push out so i hope this is a good sign i gave them a real low low strength nutes for the first time after two times with stright watter and they seem to be loving it and doing awsome they got a real strong lemon sent to them for a 50 day flower time idk if my to ladys are going to be ready well the big one 4 days what do you guys think they are white berry


Active Member
I'll give j a lil bit of beastie bloomz and cha ching and you can hit em with that. You have to use a tiny amount like a 1/4 teaspoon or less to a gallon. The beastie bloomz will make em dense and add more weight and the cha ching makes them pump out more crystals and resin. Their fox farm nutes too. You have to be careful with em tho cuz you can burn the fuck out of your plants. I'm wanting to start a new grow pretty soon. I'm gonna be ordering sum beans hopefully pretty soon and I think j might be ordering some to. If you guys would be interested I got sum extra aurora indica beans I'd part with.


yes i would love to get a few from you and ya j told me about the beans we lookes and i think i found a few i wonted to order lol we will see