Very weird looking seeds during germination (pics)


Active Member
I just checked up on my seeds today, and it seems that the roots have grown out of the seeds. Can I still plant these? Sorry for my crappy photo quality


Florida Blooms

Well-Known Member
Lol, yes you can plant them, i dont know if they will grow. Does it matter? Why ask when trying it would be easier?

You SUCK at taking pictures! Try and focus on your hand next time, not the rug behind it.


Well-Known Member
they should be ok give it a go how long were they germinatin for if your going to start a grow you need to keep an eye on your plant things can go wrong very quickly


Active Member
Here's what I did; I planted the seed like 10 minutes ago in a small, clear plastic cup. I had the tap root going vertically down into the soil. I covered it up, watered it a liiiiiiiiiiiitle bit (probably around 10ml because I'm suppose to keep it moist, and they cup I'm using is very small, I'll transfer when it's time), and I put it in my closet. Somebody told me that they aren't suppose to get any light until they sprout. Is that true?


Well-Known Member
dont use clear plastic cups either the roots need to be in the dark maybe do some research on growing marijuana instead of asking q's at every stage


Well-Known Member
Tape the cup up because light will come through the sides of a clear cup, and roots dont like light. Probably if you try and use the sun you are going to get a really stretched shitty plant. I would suggest just getting 1 daylight cfl bulb ( the spiral kind ) and then later on getting a better light set up, but for a while 1 bulb should get you going for a couple weeks.


Active Member
Alright. Well one of them already sprouted today out of the cup. It should not get 18/6, right?