Picking mushrooms


Well-Known Member
thats cool, my buddy actually just got permission from this old farmer guy that said we could go and pick mushrooms in his cow pasture, now I just have to wait for it to get warm.
When picking be sure to use a knift or sissors because if you pull the root out that destoys the mycellum and if you do that it will end up not growing anymore shroomies.
Oh yeah, th shroom you will be finding is called psilosybe cubensis (cubes).
they are golden on top and flow to white on the outer edge of the cape. They have a nipple on the top mostly. It isnt need though. When the stalk bruises blue then you are set. If it doesn't bruise throw it away!


Well-Known Member
thats cool, my buddy actually just got permission from this old farmer guy that said we could go and pick mushrooms in his cow pasture, now I just have to wait for it to get warm.
I don't know how it works over there in the Twin, but in Florida you only really find them when the Temps drop and it rains all day(late september-early November are the best times down there). Also, if you go when it is getting light out look under the shade of trees, they seem to live a bit longer under there.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how it works over there in the Twin, but in Florida you only really find them when the Temps drop and it rains all day(late september-early November are the best times down there). Also, if you go when it is getting light out look under the shade of trees, they seem to live a bit longer under there.
I live in Georgia and when the temp is about around 76 degrees the shrooms fruit. after a long rain and its humid, good luck!


Well-Known Member
be careful there could be a group of about 10mushrooms and all look identical but only say 9 of them could be the ones your looking for the 10th one could be the one that kills you. or puts you in the hospital


Well-Known Member
thats cool, my buddy actually just got permission from this old farmer guy that said we could go and pick mushrooms in his cow pasture, now I just have to wait for it to get warm.
Wow. Can I come with? It does sound kind of disgusting, but I guess I'll try anything once. let me know if you'll be shroom picking around my neck of the weeds.


Well-Known Member
Just buy some spores and grow your own. I'm originally from the midwest and we never had shrooms growing in the fields. You will get much better and reliable results if you just look into growing your own. It is a bit of work and takes a lot of sterilization but you will definatly enjoy the fruits of your labor. NEVER EAT MUSHROOMS ALONE!!!


Well-Known Member
lol. bad experience? My pet faery is actually been experimenting with growing shrooms, and thus far has been unsuccessful. So I'd much rather go a-pickin' and take my chances.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say bad experience no. Its just the way mushrooms work with your brain. Nothing like acid that's for sure. When your alone on mushrooms you start self analysing yourself and I don't care how positive things are in your life it will be depressing. Yes, the sterilization techiques take some getting used to when growing shrooms. bleach is your friend.


Well-Known Member
nah, it wasn't the sterilization. I actually ended up with no "bad" mold, which impressed me. my shrooms were not very potent, and I should have used more than one spore. probably ended up with less than an 8th-didn't weigh it.


Well-Known Member
I used the pf-tek. used whole wheat flour instead of brown rice flour, also flax seed meal. did it right this time though. hopefully. no visible colonization yet.


Well-Known Member
using bird seed and then panning with a mixture of vermiculite and cocunut fiber I would yeild about 3/4 - 1oz per jar. 1 jar makes two pans.


Well-Known Member
I'm just kidding. So that was your yield then, 1/2 oz per cake pan? sounds good for dried weight.:peace:


Well-Known Member
about 1/2 & 1/2 vermiculite/ coconut fiber. take half of the jar and put it in a bread pan, mix it up with the 50/50 mix. Add about a 3/8" top layer of the 50/50 mix. cover and let sit for another couple weeks (till white covers everything again. The bread pans I'm talking about are the cheap aluminum ones you buy at walmart, cover with saran wrap. You could use just a partial print, a liquid culture w/3. I would go with a partial print or liquid culture, it miniizes the chance of contamination.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean a partial print? like half a print? because I used a whole print, make a syringe with it, and, like I said, only ended up with 3 or 4 shrooms. and where do i find coconut fiber? u mean the inside of a coconut? why don't I just use shredded coconut?