Clinton wasn't dealing with a 14.4 trillion dollar deficit either man. Looking back I was only a kid then but I believe Clinton did a good job although I'm upset about the whitewater affair he did a good job in office. With that said, do you want me to fetch the a reply I posted earlier relating to the exuberant amount of money the rich are taxed?
The tax rates on the rich are ridiculous, to even suggest that we should raise them more for any one to make up for this monstrous debt our government is raking in for us is even a worse idea.
Do you understand that "cuts" aren't "cuts" they are only decreasing the increase in spending. Have you seen the charts and numbers? There is talk about almost doubling our deficit! We don't have double the people or double the land so why our we going to double or government?
MY though. FREEZE the budget right here and now as it is. That in itself would balance the budget in like 8 years. Even better than that? Bring our troops home! There's at least 500 billion is spending a year cut. What about all the troops? Take a portion of that 500 billion saved and train them for jobs that can help rebuild our infrastructure (roads, electricity, water mains) as well as jobs to help develop better way to power our country (free solar,wind,water power, drill our own oil). Even more, strip the federal reserve's power to print money! Stop them from inflating our dollar.
You can even keep all the entitlements for now and still turn this country around ! It's not fucking rocket science, it's common sense. Unless you have a better idea, if so please do divulge it.