Climate Crisis Fraud -written by a man who shares the Nobel Prize with Al Gore


New Member
Yeah and how big they talk behind a computer screen. I know I get a little coarse sometimes, but that was my upbringing. When the arguement got to a certain point, out came the fists. Now in my day, we didn't do knives or guns just fists and when someone went down, we didn't kick their heads in, although in CCunts case, I might make an exception. The days of the fair fight are long gone. Kids killing kids with handguns, it's crazy. Real men step up and duke it out, or come to an understanding without violence. I'm still working on that one.
I wouldn't have kicked you in the face, after beating you down, until reading this post. The aggressor sets the rules, though, so now I'm gonna give you a kick in the noggin, just for bringing it up. Precedent is gonna suck for you.........:mrgreen::mrgreen:


New Member
I wouldn't have kicked you in the face, after beating you down, until reading this post. The aggressor sets the rules, though, so now I'm gonna give you a kick in the noggin, just for bringing it up. Precedent is gonna suck for you.........:mrgreen::mrgreen:
Let mke know asswipe, I'll be there.


Well-Known Member
OK all the carbon emitting business owners and 10 SUV driving growers with 60,000 KatrillaWatts of power growing your plants we can understand why you would want to believe global warming is a farce LOL

Now all of those who dont have something to lose(like face) over the global warming FACT please raise your hands

weve left a carbon footprint people scientists have recently proven this and its not because global warming is a farce. Massive amounts of carbon emissions(due to natural reactions) have caused global warming in the past...why wouldnt it cause a similar reaction today?


New Member
OK all the carbon emitting business owners and 10 SUV driving growers with 60,000 KatrillaWatts of power growing your plants we can understand why you would want to believe global warming is a farce LOL

Now all of those who dont have something to lose(like face) over the global warming FACT please raise your hands

weve left a carbon footprint people scientists have recently proven this and its not because global warming is a farce. Massive amounts of carbon emissions(due to natural reactions) have caused global warming in the past...why wouldnt it cause a similar reaction today?
Weather Channel Founder: Sue Al Gore to Expose Global Warming Fraud |

Have you heard the founder of the Weather Channel is going to sue Al Gore over his selling of "carbon credits". He, John Coleman, says it is blatant fraud, the selling of "carbon credits", and backs up all his claims, something Gore won't be able to do in court.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Makes me sad people still believe this, yes, obviously the pollution we output isn't good, but it is def. not the main reason for global warming. The sun is getting hotter. The ice caps are melting on Mars as well, with a very similar progression rate to our 'global warming'. People are using this farce to their advantage, so sad....

Btw, I'm not kicking anyones ass today. =)


New Member
ccodiane ...

You are such a fucking smart-ass.

Keep up the good work, you're driving the commie-libs in this forum crazy. :mrgreen:

By the way ... I could outrun Med with one ball tied behind my ass. :blsmoke:



New Member
Haven't found a soul mate at all ... just a person who sees the reality of the situation. In other words, a person who can THINK! :mrgreen:

Thinks like you, an Idiota-Assholio. your thinking ,(an oxymoron, or maybe just Moronic), and his, could use some deep psychiatric therapy. It's all about you, ME ME ME. Grow the fuck up, both of you.


New Member
By the way ... I could outrun Med with one ball tied behind my ass. :blsmoke:
Can you outrun a .45ACP? How about a 7.65X39 AK round?


Well-Known Member
LOL you guys crack me up

where do you think all the BILLIONS of TONS of carbon emissons are going?

whens the last time we could release BILLIONs of metric TONS of anything yearly and it didnt have some sort of negative effect after nearly 100 years?

remember the hole in the ozone layer due to the chemical they actually banned because it was effecting the ozone layer?

do you realize we release far more carbon into our atmosphere then we did aerosols that created the ozone hole...cause and effect

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
LOL you guys crack me up

where do you think all the BILLIONS of TONS of carbon emissons are going?

whens the last time we could release BILLIONs of metric TONS of anything yearly and it didnt have some sort of negative effect after nearly 100 years?

remember the hole in the ozone layer due to the chemical they actually banned because it was effecting the ozone layer?

do you realize we release far more carbon into our atmosphere then we did aerosols that created the ozone hole...cause and effect

excuse me... will you stop being rational.. this thread is not for rational people.. this is for people in denial only... and you are really being a party pooper by adding a small dose of reality to the POT..



Well-Known Member
excuse me... will you stop being rational.. this thread is not for rational people.. this is for people in denial only... and you are really being a party pooper by adding a small dose of reality to the POT..


I'm glad to see there are others who realize that this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed...kudos GK