What would you do???? Found the mutha load on walk

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Well-Known Member
this guy is just a no life post whore! most likely made this whole story up while he sits on his sorry ass.. and if it is true i hope he gets busted trying any of what he spoke of doing.. KARMA has a smile waiting for you brother hahahaaaaa just wait and see


Well-Known Member
well not lying and there is no wrong doing of a curious man walking in woods listen this was not a plan out scheme or made story until after i posted this i seen other stories and mine is in fact true i am not and ass hole yous are i was wondering what yall would do and plus who the fuck are all you ass hole faggot ass bitches who keep calling me name and shit fuck off i am lucky enough to find this dont be jelious and as far as of right now i still did no wrong to his plant or nothing


Active Member
Lmfao. Why would anyone be jealous of someone finding another persons grow? Especially when your considering taking it? If you don't then you made the admirable choice. I saw a guy get shot over a damn ps3 system when they were first released, and that wasn't anywhere near the value of this guys crop. What do you think will happen when he notices that you walkEd around his grow? You haven't a clue as to the type of person he is. Even considering stealing someone else's hard work is morally wrong. Say what you want now. You have already proven your worth as a person for considering doing it regardless if you do or not now.


Well-Known Member
What I don't understand is that it's so damn easy to grow your own. Why even steal a few cuttings couldn't you just as easy go to a club and get some cuttings? It would be just as easy to do that and less risky for you, an all around better situation for all involved.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
After what Grumpy brought up how a guy got shot over a PS3 when they first came out (pretty much $1,000 where I am)taking a couple or a few clones could make the guy wanna do some thing to you. TBH if you want some plants pay out the $50 or w/e for a pack of 15 seeds and grow your own out. I know a guy that grows out doors and said I could have some clones off his plants but I didn't take any.


Well-Known Member
well not lying and there is no wrong doing of a curious man walking in woods listen this was not a plan out scheme or made story until after i posted this i seen other stories and mine is in fact true i am not and ass hole yous are i was wondering what yall would do and plus who the fuck are all you ass hole faggot ass bitches who keep calling me name and shit fuck off i am lucky enough to find this dont be jelious and as far as of right now i still did no wrong to his plant or nothing
acually ur not lucky, see that tells me rite there that u are an asshole, u think ur fortunate for stumbling upon sum1 elses grow, and that gives the rite to take what u plz, regardless of the fact that u didnt do nething yet, ur still planning to. and how the fuck are we assholes, we all said dnt take it, sum of us were a little more aggresive cuz we dnt like the thought of faggot ass fuckers like u even thinking about stealing our crop, which u said u were. one person said take some trimmings outta 7 pages of ppl saying leave it and u couldnt stand the fact of having nuthing for urself so u decided to go with that suggestion, u selfish dickhead. and stop trying to justify ur wrong doings, u are an asshole and we can all tell by reading ur posts. one more thing y would we be jealous, everyone on this forum has a grow of there own, and wouldnt want to sabotage a fellow mj grower, ive had my plants taken be4 and its a sickening feeling i wldnt want ne1 else to have, heres a thought. y dnt u sign the fuck off this forum and next year after youve matured a bit(maybe)u can start ur own plants the legit way and tell us all about it, well be glad to hear, but until then we dnt want to hear form your theivin ass u self centered prick


Well-Known Member
Whats gonna happen is whoevers grow it is is gonna be there waiting for you in the morning and he's gonna take a few cuts off yo ass. Dont be ignorant stay away from his shit, if not i hope karma does her job and you get fucked up. Have a great day

if you were so awe struck you woulda took a pic.


Well-Known Member
you know this fourm is bull you guys suck i am gonna take them home with me who cares fuck all yous everybody talks shit i am gonna be the man with the herb in two months or so i am gonna get truck now 4 hour drive to truck and then 4 hours back get some sleep and go get them right after dark tommarrow night so fuck yous and to all yous with grow watch your plot and get your buddies to help but this guy i am getting he fucked up code so its all mine fuckers

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
you know this fourm is bull you guys suck i am gonna take them home with me who cares fuck all yous everybody talks shit i am gonna be the man with the herb in two months or so i am gonna get truck now 4 hour drive to truck and then 4 hours back get some sleep and go get them right after dark tommarrow night so fuck yous and to all yous with grow watch your plot and get your buddies to help but this guy i am getting he fucked up code so its all mine fuckers
what happens if u get raped?


Well-Known Member
you know this fourm is bull you guys suck i am gonna take them home with me who cares fuck all yous everybody talks shit i am gonna be the man with the herb in two months or so i am gonna get truck now 4 hour drive to truck and then 4 hours back get some sleep and go get them right after dark tommarrow night so fuck yous and to all yous with grow watch your plot and get your buddies to help but this guy i am getting he fucked up code so its all mine fuckers
i hope this guy happens to be a member of RIU and is just lurking around and has a nice surprise for you if you actually got the balls to do it..


Well-Known Member
Aside from it just being wrong, why would you want to steal plants that aren't ready? Crappy buzz at best


Active Member
I call bullshit. This is t his first "found grow". Well any who, I hope any gorilla growers around the beaches of Jersey are on the lookout for a tire company truck heading towards or away from their grow.


Well-Known Member
hopefully they all look out cause hes fucked watch ill post pic in his plot and then my property line lol hope he is member get ready


Well-Known Member
and they are in like black bucket tub things bigger then 5gal more like 8gal i need net dolly with air tires and a roll of fishing string i am gonna pull up an have buddy take off then i am gonna pull containers from ground wrap up with fishing line and roll them out all of them and grow them until they are finished


Active Member
Here's some extra punctuation, looks like you ran out. Damn my eyes hurt.


Active Member
Bottom line is.. it doesn't belong to you, leave it alone. Didn't your parents teach you anything? Thief.
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