BKB's 2nd Grow

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Well-Known Member
I had to take a piss test for probation yearsssssssss ago and I found Ready-Clean (Detoxify) at a pipe and tobacco shop for $30. This stuff worked wonders... I smoked the night before, and every day leading up to the piss test lol, I passed with flying colors. Highly recommended.


Well-Known Member
Went to CVS across the street from my house and I purchased the MJ Drug test and I am still "POSITIVE" after 36 days of bud-free!!! Fuck I cant be dropping $20 on these test and them coming up positive. So I will wait till I hit 45 days....I need to get clean already, its starting to piss me off.... I actually took pics of the test I will post later, just dont feel like it right now. Damn I thought for sure I was clean! I wonder if handling bud when doing plant work will keep me positive? Anyone??




Well-Known Member
wouldnt doubt it bkb, absorbed through the shin. may be just enough to fail. wear latex gloves. luck bro...


Well-Known Member
drink water and bleack BKB :) ahahahaha. no but for real don't .jk . you should try those cleaners they sell at the tobacco shops

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
when i got in trouble few yes back,it took 45 days before i tested clean bkb.that was probation. my gf just used the synthetic urine bro.it worked fine.


Well-Known Member
Quick update on a few things....

#1...My FAILED piss test! Oh well....


#2 Stud of Porn....Purple Kush (Male)
I got this male plant from a friend and I am going to collect pollen off this dude and cross it with my Power Skunk. So the cross will be Power Skunk(F) x Purple Kush (M). So I guess the name will be something like Power Purple Kush??? Any names in mind????


#3 My Mini-Hero-Harvest...Day 62! I chopped all the lower branches off my Hero. I cant believe who much bud is on the lower branches. They dont come close to what I still havent harvested of her. That is how large this bitch is!!! All her main tops and "The Main Cola" are still going. I am going to let them go alittle longer....maybe till Day 70 of Flowering! I think its very safe for me to say this is going to be my largest harvest EVER since I started Growing on Sept. 13th!!!! What a way to close out my 1st year of growing! I am proud of my 1st growing year and will forever cherrish the shit out of it!!!! I started growing because of my mom and I know she is guiding me in growing!!!!






New Member
Quick update on a few things....

#1...My FAILED piss test! Oh well....

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#2 Stud of Porn....Purple Kush (Male)
I got this male plant from a friend and I am going to collect pollen off this dude and cross it with my Power Skunk. So the cross will be Power Skunk(F) x Purple Kush (M). So I guess the name will be something like Power Purple Kush??? Any names in mind????

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#3 My Mini-Hero-Harvest...Day 62! I chopped all the lower branches off my Hero. I cant believe who much bud is on the lower branches. They dont come close to what I still havent harvested of her. That is how large this bitch is!!! All her main tops and "The Main Cola" are still going. I am going to let them go alittle longer....maybe till Day 70 of Flowering! I think its very safe for me to say this is going to be my largest harvest EVER since I started Growing on Sept. 13th!!!! What a way to close out my 1st year of growing! I am proud of my 1st growing year and will forever cherrish the shit out of it!!!! I started growing because of my mom and I know she is guiding me in growing!!!!

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i got a update too i passed my drug test rolled a blunt and it passed the taste test and the highness test


Well-Known Member
Maybe when I pass my drug test I will do the same!!! Especially when I make a trip up North!!!!




New Member
Maybe when I pass my drug test I will do the same!!! Especially when I make a trip up North!!!!


when i was foreman at a cabinet shop i would go up to new hires and say u do know we drug test ( we didnt) they would get scared look on face
then i would say hey meet me out back at lunch and we will test your bag out if u smoke bullshit weed i will fire u haha worked everytime to shake them up then they would realze they worked at a cool place

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i broke it trying to super crop her;but i stupid cropped her instead! i did that to my domina last grow to! but shes still going rt now!(the thai) rt at 4 wks on a 10/11 wk strain.


New Member
i just dont get the feel of it or something.it wont happen 3 times! i promise.ill never even consider trying again!!! lol
well what seems to be problem and sorry it is taking me a few to post busy cleaning whole house and shit got karmas and her kid coming over for the weekend we got a suspended forest rope bridge guided tour to go to and a botanical gardens and butterfly house to go to then we will go to beach
but im really more worried about impressing her daughter
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