Supersillybilly's Light Experiment


Well-Known Member
i would say that is an hps shine issue as oppossed to light coloured a guess.


Well-Known Member
My theory... plants can only perform SO much photosynthesis during the day converting sunlight + H20 + CO2 ----> O2 + sugars, with that said, I bet you still yield quite similar to what you did with the 12/12, but will finish faster. Can't WAIT to see the results bro.


Well-Known Member
lookin good billy, do you know owt about weed plants only usin light for 6hours a day?? im sure ive read this some where mate, i was just thinkin if its true then maybe this will work well mate


Well-Known Member
Ive no idea how this will turn out Pukka. Hopefully good. If I can get 2 oz off a plant and get it down to 6ish weeks I'll deem it a sucsess


Well-Known Member
I suppose we will just have to wait and see what the results are. For all you know they might actually take longer to mature because they don't have enough light..

Marijuana plants already grow incredibly fast as it is, so it wouldn't suprise me if they can get faster. I'm curious about how the buds will taste too... I might have to try this :]

kevin murphy

New Member
hows things this mornin billy doin well a outdoor and indoor goin on now..cant wait for it to be harvest time...