Silver! Who Is On This Train?


Well-Known Member
Oh man, I just heard '"cash is king" on the news, their saying you want your assets in cash and that that's the best thing to be holding right now, they said everyone is liquidating their stocks and even Gold right now for cash and made it sound like that was a wise thing to do right now..
Hold on to your Silver I think this is about to get good


Well-Known Member
Yeah I def made a couple bucks today on bullion. Gold at 1717. Who knew? But my retirement plan took a bath. Hold on to your bongs boys it's gonna be a bumpy ride

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Yeah I def made a couple bucks today on bullion. Gold at 1717. Who knew? But my retirement plan took a bath. Hold on to your bongs boys it's gonna be a bumpy ride
Bumpy ride my ass, this is going to be a jet liner nose diving into the ground. I read that China, our largest lender, just told us the days of borrow borrow borrow is over.
A raised debt ceiling doesn't mean shit if the lenders no longer are willing to lend.


Well-Known Member
i love my 10 oz of gold made almost $1000 in 2 days....why is silver going down???

shit bought my gold when it was $500 a oz... last month in the 1600s..$1770 now..soon it will be $2000 a oz

Silver seems to stay around $40 while gold is climbing leaps and gold now bros its still a money maker.... dont wait any longer

Gold went up $50 a oz ...silver went down to $38 lost a $1 wierd ass shit...come on silver lets see $100...I be happy with $70-80 :)

Damit the Fed reserve said they keepin interest rates low.... dow went up.... gold dropped $40 in 2 hrs now 1738


Active Member
If you want to turn your worthless fiat dollars into something that will be worth something... buy gold & silver! I's the only true way to PRESERVE weath!


Well-Known Member
Yep, I too dealt with the stress of not having my buy-in price met. I finally just figured out that doing the cost averaging method and Buying on Fridays would actually serve me best. Lowest prices seem to fall on a Friday about 70% of the time.


Well-Known Member
I go through a couple of different local dealers. Nothing quite like giving a fella a bunch of green paper and walking out with real silver and gold in your hands. No records are kept, its 100% private and anonymous. The dealers all know my name, I go there 3 times a month at least. A few years ago I was the only regular customer, but now when I go in I have to be quick because there are 5 other people buying too. Used to be able to shoot the shit for 15 minutes with the dealers because it was a ghost town, not so much anymore.


I go through a couple of different local dealers. Nothing quite like giving a fella a bunch of green paper and walking out with real silver and gold in your hands. No records are kept, its 100% private and anonymous. The dealers all know my name, I go there 3 times a month at least. A few years ago I was the only regular customer, but now when I go in I have to be quick because there are 5 other people buying too. Used to be able to shoot the shit for 15 minutes with the dealers because it was a ghost town, not so much anymore.
You have described what is sometimes called a mania. This one is driven by fear and greed. Nothing wrong with. Hard to see it when you are in it.



Well-Known Member
No thanks. I got 100oz silver bricks. I'm saving to but another one as the price keeps rising. I was buying silver for 17 bucks not long ago...a few years. Anyways my point is no matter what price you get into silver, get in. If you have kids or perhaps in your own retirement silver will be over 100 bucks and I'm hoping much much more.


Well-Known Member
No thanks. I got 100oz silver bricks. I'm saving to but another one as the price keeps rising. I was buying silver for 17 bucks not long ago...a few years. Anyways my point is no matter what price you get into silver, get in. If you have kids or perhaps in your own retirement silver will be over 100 bucks and I'm hoping much much more.
Me too... dannyboy me too.... I got a few 100 oz bricks myself along with 25 16 oz coins, 25 12 oz coins, 30 8 oz coins and 100 1 oz coins :)

Go silver go..... I wanna see $100 a oz... that would quaddrople my investment

My ten 1 ounce bars of gold has done really good.... I bought in at $300 a oz.... now its $1853 a oz made $15,500 and climbing

Gold is where its at for sure...if you can afford to get in its going to see $2400-2500 a oz.....

Fantastic... a bar bought for $300 will be worth over $2000 more :) I should have bought 1 - 100 oz bar ...$30,000 would have turned into $185,000

Oh yea the rich keep getting richer

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Is sterling, or .925 silver, a disadvantage when it comes to value? I have found some sterling coins here and the price is at spot or below according to actual silver content. I guess what I'm trying to ask is sterling as good of a buy as pure silver and if not, how much, 10%, 20%? I know pure is always going to be better but at the prices they are asking for the sterling, I am tempted.