A Question for soil growers


Well-Known Member
I know about subcool's super soil, but I'm looking for something where I add nutes. What are some easy to put together base organic soil that people on here are having good success with. I want really good tasting and smelling herb. So what is everyone using? And what organic have been giving people good results, I have grown with 2:1 ratio of Promix BX and Ocean forest by Foxfarm but experienced yellowing and curling.


Well-Known Member
yeah dood im in ocean forest right now and i know for a fact that shit is not ph neutral. it was like 5.3 right out of the bag no nutes added. thats why ur shit curled up cause mine did too, so im curious what else is out there. i don't understand why the ocean forest is so highly recommended...


Active Member
yeah dood im in ocean forest right now and i know for a fact that shit is not ph neutral. it was like 5.3 right out of the bag no nutes added. thats why ur shit curled up cause mine did too, so im curious what else is out there. i don't understand why the ocean forest is so highly recommended...
Hm, sorry about your experience but none of my plants that have been recently put into FFOF do not have a single curled leaf.


First, Soil based growing (unless you get soil w/o ANY additives) doesn't generally need nutes for at least 6 weeks... With that being said I generally re-use my old soil (foxfarm oceanforest) from the pots that I harvest and mix it in with the coming plants so I can be sure they don't get shocked from the nut's I add. I give em about a week before I give em anything at least. That is the rule of thumb that I've read everywhere/have been told by numerous friends with much more experience than myself. Hope the info helps


Well-Known Member
What promix works best? HP or BX, ? When do u start applying Nutes when just using promix ? Anybody else have any input or want to let out there organic soil recipe?


Well-Known Member
yeah dood im in ocean forest right now and i know for a fact that shit is not ph neutral. it was like 5.3 right out of the bag no nutes added. thats why ur shit curled up cause mine did too, so im curious what else is out there. i don't understand why the ocean forest is so highly recommended...
You need to add dolomite lime to FFOF or ANY peat based mix (ProMix, Sunshine, ect.) Even the ones that have added lime don't add enough and it usually runs out after ~6 weeks or so.

That is what's causing your pH problems and all it will cost is $5-$6 to fix for good.



Well-Known Member
You need to add dolomite lime to FFOF or ANY peat based mix (ProMix, Sunshine, ect.) Even the ones that have added lime don't add enough and it usually runs out after ~6 weeks or so.

That is what's causing your pH problems and all it will cost is $5-$6 to fix for good.

yeah i've got some lime for it, used it, only watered once so far and no change in ph. how long should it take to adjust?


Well-Known Member
My new soil of choice is Sunshine Advanced Mix #4, FFOF is not even a soil it's compost, check the bag over 55% of it is compost that's why most people who plant in it either cut it with weaker soils or add a ton of perlite. The drainage is fukt up, the shit forms a hard ass crust layer after a few waterings, notorious for burning plants, I'd advise anyone starting out to get more knowledge on organics before using this shit.

I've had terrible experiences with that BS it came with a shitload of root aphids...the Happy Frog too, plus on top of that it's still living off it's rep from back in the day and it's half the product it used to be, their are far easier, better, and more forgiving brands to work with believe me!


Well-Known Member
My new soil of choice is Sunshine Advanced Mix #4, FFOF is not even a soil it's compost, check the bag over 55% of it is compost that's why most people who plant in it either cut it with weaker soils or add a ton of perlite. The drainage is fukt up, the shit forms a hard ass crust layer after a few waterings, notorious for burning plants, I'd advise anyone starting out to get more knowledge on organics before using this shit.

I've had terrible experiences with that BS it came with a shitload of root aphids...the Happy Frog too, plus on top of that it's still living off it's rep from back in the day and it's half the product it used to be, their are far easier, better, and more forgiving brands to work with believe me!
the funny part is that ppl tlk bad about MG but praise FFOF when there both prolly just as bad


Active Member
Anyone that's had problems with FFOF must've been doing something wrong. I put my clones in there after they are taken root under fluros and they have done nothing but done awesome and grown darker green (with more bud sites as well oddly enough) than my typical homemade soil (which is decent, but FFOF is great if you're working with clones IMHO).

Water with plain tap water only for 4 weeks or so then start using your nutes. To each their own though I guess.


Well-Known Member
What is everyones recipe for success? Like how many parts of this and how parts of that work best for them? I have had success with 2:1 ratio of Promix BX and ocean forest, with extra perlite. Now can you grow with just promix? Do u have to add anything?what promix is better? Hp or BX


Well-Known Member
I'll tell ya what I use
Peat /lite base
Handful Epsom salts
About 3/4 cup dolomite lime
Bone or blood meal at recommended rate
Worm castings
Composted cow manure


Well-Known Member
What is the NPK of FFOF? I want the lovers of this "soil" to answer this because I never seen one on the bag, even worm castings have a NPK value posted, Promix and Sunshine soils have them as well. While OF with that many nutes added and the fact you don't need to feed for atleast 3 weeks doesn't, does FF even know? I want to know where I'm starting at so I can amend the soilmix accordingly, not play guessing games with some expensive ass, out of sync nutrient combination, root aphid infested, wanna be ass "soil."

And why does it form that hard ass crusty top layer? I have had and seen successful grows with it but it's always been cut with some other soilmix and perlite.( actually treating it more like what it is, COMPOST! )
If you are having success with straight FFOF more power to you, but it just might be strain related cause I've had some burn, while some thrived, till I got those fukkn "micro roaches" root aphids, trust me on everything you don't want them. Only prod I buy from them now is their Bulb Food 3-8-8 they still make quality dry nutes.


Well-Known Member
yeah i've got some lime for it, used it, only watered once so far and no change in ph. how long should it take to adjust?
A week at least if not longer. It's ground up rock, ya know?

It also depends on how much you added. If under applied, it doesn't do much. *I* use 2tbl/gallon of mix, or 1cup/cf of mix.



Well-Known Member
Now can you grow with just promix? Do u have to add anything?what promix is better? Hp or BX
Of course can grow with just Promix and inorganic nutes like 20-20-20, HP is better, more perlite. I like to add even more perlite that I've recycled from old grows.(The shit floats if you dump soil into a tub of water and skim it off)
Highgrade Seeds has a recipe for organic Pro Mix on their web site, similar to Dannyboy's recipe.