Switch from 12/12 to 10/14 .. 8 weeks into flowering.


Well-Known Member
You are actually starting at 11/13 and reducing from there. I am not finished with my harvest yet, but from the looks of it there is not going to be any difference in yield. I usually average pretty close to the same on every harvest so I will be able to tell if it is under. It doesn't affect them when that happens outdoors so I don't see why it would indoors.
true that true that. those buds look fantastic. what do you usually yield per plant?


Active Member
Thanks for the info! Sounds interesting. I may consider giving this a try. Curious to see end results compared to straight up 12/12.

Dank ass budz by the way!!!! +REP


Well-Known Member
FFOF soil 5 gallon buckets. I usually run 20 under 4 X 1000w hps but I just went to 5 X 1000w lights so I have been running 25 lately


Well-Known Member
FFOF soil 5 gallon buckets. I usually run 20 under 4 X 1000w hps but I just went to 5 X 1000w lights so I have been running 25 lately
so 4 per light? around 20 zips? damn thats gud.i run 9 to each 1,000 and pull 1 and 3/4 to 2 an a quarter a plant so a little under that. roots organic soil. next grow will be ffof and light warrior mix


Well-Known Member
so 4 per light? around 20 zips? damn thats gud.i run 9 to each 1,000 and pull 1 and 3/4 to 2 an a quarter a plant so a little under that. roots organic soil. next grow will be ffof and light warrior mix
It's actually 5 per light. I have a 10 X 10 space so I do 5 rows of 5. 1 light in each corner and one in the middle of all of those. I am allowed to have 6 lbs dry (96ozs) so I usually set that as my goal. 20 zips per light is about right though


Well-Known Member
It's actually 5 per light. I have a 10 X 10 space so I do 5 rows of 5. 1 light in each corner and one in the middle of all of those. I am allowed to have 6 lbs dry (96ozs) so I usually set that as my goal. 20 zips per light is about right though
thats legit. good growing


Well-Known Member
SO my grow is 8 weeks 1 day in and I decided to cut the lights back from 12/12 to 10/14 for the last week. Im thinking this will make them mature quicker. the yield is allready there so im not worried about the wieght. what are your thoughts?
Back when I wasn't perpetual and wasn't cloning, I used to cut down the light cycle 30 mins per day after day 60. It seemed to mature those longer flowering phenos quicker than leaving the light on 12/12. This was actually a regular practice of mine.


Well-Known Member
Back when I wasn't perpetual and wasn't cloning, I used to cut down the light cycle 30 mins per day after day 60. It seemed to mature those longer flowering phenos quicker than leaving the light on 12/12. This was actually a regular practice of mine.
thanks for the info. It seems to be working for me as well... quick question. my grow is in danger of being riped off. I have two people looking for it one in particular that is really hurting for money has no money to pay his rent and is in the middle of a grow. my plants look pretty done but they are starting to spit out new white hairs. if I chop it do you think im going to lose much weight? its a 7 week strain im 8 weeks 2 days in.


Active Member
I'm run a fixed 10hr flowering light schedule (first 2 hrsCFL + 6 hrs 600 watts of HID + 2hrs CFL) during summer indoors because of the summer heat carries through the night over here.. Those that come up as mostly sativas from my bag seed collection always finished considerably quicker, as potent but smaller -with foxtails and all. The plants with those fatter finger leaves seem to be unaffected by lack of light time.


Active Member
FFOF soil 5 gallon buckets. I usually run 20 under 4 X 1000w hps but I just went to 5 X 1000w lights so I have been running 25 lately
Yields are good I agree, but not the best. I believe you can pull way more with 4 x 1000w. Your saying your pulling 80 onions outta 20 ladies. Thats 5 bows, I believe you can pull 2 per light withg no prob. @ per light is more or less what I average. I know you can do it. Have you considered vertical lighting?? How long do you veg for?


Active Member
thanks for the info. It seems to be working for me as well... quick question. my grow is in danger of being riped off. I have two people looking for it one in particular that is really hurting for money has no money to pay his rent and is in the middle of a grow. my plants look pretty done but they are starting to spit out new white hairs. if I chop it do you think im going to lose much weight? its a 7 week strain im 8 weeks 2 days in.
WTF? Fuckin assholes I hope they fucking get shot in the head. Karmas a bitch wait till it comes around. This pisses me off soo much to hear about shit like this. Suck it up and wait for your own shit, go get a fucking job dont hate on someones hard work and time! Sorry to hear this shit is happening to you. Cut that bitch down. Dont worry about hairs bro. I never go by hairs some people swear by it. You know when your buds are ready. Take em down especially if they are in danger of getting housed.


Well-Known Member
WTF? Fuckin assholes I hope they fucking get shot in the head. Karmas a bitch wait till it comes around. This pisses me off soo much to hear about shit like this. Suck it up and wait for your own shit, go get a fucking job dont hate on someones hard work and time! Sorry to hear this shit is happening to you. Cut that bitch down. Dont worry about hairs bro. I never go by hairs some people swear by it. You know when your buds are ready. Take em down especially if they are in danger of getting housed.
I have sum plants that have a few amber and the rest are cloudy o amber on the others. will it lose much weight?


Active Member
Bro trich colors have nothing to do with weight unless they are preemie/clear. If you have cloudy trichs she is good to go. Some people preffer the cloudy trichs over amber or even a 50/50 or 30/70, u get the picture. If you can post any pics I can def let you know if I think she is ready. Like homebrewer said its better to harvest a bit early if this was the case than to loose your whole crop due to some fuckin thieve assholes! Take her down and get what you can and be happy that at least you didnt get jacked. Be careful where you put your girls and dont tell anyone ever. Too many haters out there.