Ha ha.
Me too. Ain't life much nicer with a little pot every day, bud? Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
Does it really get more potent as it cures or is that just my imagination? I can get pretty high from just one hit now.
Not your imagination. The pot does get a little better as it sits. It also helps to get your tolerance down by taking a few days off... which I find next to impossible these days.
And yes indeed, the only thing nicer than life with a little pot every day is life with A LOT of pot every day. Lol. Glad to know you're getting your meds on.
Hey brother, how's things going with photography?
How's the Diablo?
Any future plans?
The photography is on hold, but still on the brain. I'm in communication with another Playboy model and hope to have some new work shot by late September / Early October.
The Diablo is still kicking. My tolerance is mega now, though, as you might imagine. I have to sprinkle keif on my bowls to get that extra umph now... but it's still working on my brain overall.
i thought you smoked yourself to death .....loll
Just the opposite. I've been smoking myself to LIFE! Every day this stuff keeps life's little stresses from becoming super-annoying. Gotta love it for that.
Getting that grow itch. I know I've been saying that for a while now, but things are settling here to a point where starting up again is right around the corner. I'm getting back in that 'tinkering' mood.
looking all kind of Redditor over there
Yeah Lordjin hard to coordinate those key strokes high as freakin hell ay?
What's interesting about this weed is how I can maintain my ability to function. It was rendering me useless at first, but as I kept smoking it and my body developed this tolerance, I'm finding that I'm still getting high, but can function in society. Like typing this reponse wasn't that hard... and kind of fun... and yes, I'm high. Again. Lol.