Who thinks Obama should step down or be impeached ?

Should Obama step down?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 45 60.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Polls are private

Impeachment is a formal process in which an official is accused of unlawful activity and the outcome of which, depending on the country and leads to the removal of that official from office or other punishment.

Obama has tried to pass many socialist laws that are unconstitutional. This makes him a traitor or an idiot

This includes Obama-care



Well-Known Member
The reason for impeachment is failure to honor his oath to uphold the constitution based on his actions with Gaddafi


Well-Known Member

Hes a tool of the new world order


Active Member
Its all fucked up and he's just another Puppet. When hes out "They" will make the public feel like things are getting better but with those advancements we will loose little by little.
I personally dont think any Party even makes a difference, those were made just so we can feel part of the system.


bud bootlegger
shit, if bush made it through 8 years with no impeachment, obama's got it made, as he's done nearly nothing to disgrace and harm us as a country as gwb did..


Well-Known Member
I voted no...

Elections have consequences, and as much as I don't want him in office I think we haven't felt enough of his policies to learn from this mistake. At least not enough to keep from repeating it in the near future.

Has he done things that warrant impeachment? Absolutely (Libya is a great example). If impeachment proceedings were started for this, I would have no grounds to defend him.


Well-Known Member
shit, if bush made it through 8 years with no impeachment, obama's got it made, as he's done nearly nothing to disgrace and harm us as a country as gwb did..
High crimes and misdemeanors... disgrace doesn't qualify. I'm not saying the Bush didn't warrant impeachment, but there has to be something a more concrete and objective than just disgrace.

Example: Clinton's impeachment was clearly warranted (perjury is a felony). Nixon's would have been as well (had he not resigned).


Well-Known Member
no matter how much i may despise this incompetent tyro and his horse-faced harridan of a wife, i see nothing criminal nor overly treasonous in his actions. his acolytes form a significant minority of the population, so it can't be said that he is governing against the will of the people and his party maintains enough power that he has had no need to usurp the powers of other branches of government. while i could understand the reasoning of a lone gunman in some crowded venue, that recourse too seems uncalled for. it's best to simply wait for the next round of elections or, should we find the electorate as feeble-minded as last time, patiently look forward to the end of nearly a decade of his ineptitude.


Well-Known Member
States All zombie & brainwashed like

Yes you are free Your vote counts This is the home of freedom Their no such thing as the new world order


New Member
I do not endorse murders, con-men, torture, and liars, you can probably guess what I voted for. Americans have been tortured and killed and some of the blood is on his hands wake the fuck up people. They want you talking about fucking bradley manning well thats all just a show, there is much worse.


Well-Known Member
Obama 2012 ...
Yes, Obama will most likely be the Democrat candidate in 2012. Shortly after that he can go back to community organizing and not being a professor.

One quick question. Does studying a document with the express intent to subvert it and thwart it's restrictions, really make you a Constitutional scholar?

munch box

Well-Known Member
Its better for the Republicans to not have him impreached or step down. They are much more likely to get representatives of Congress if Obama stays president a little longer. At the next election2012, Its possable republicans could take contol of the senate.Could definately happen if Obama keeps telling American voters that he is smarter then all of us, and he knows what our families need more than we do.


Well-Known Member
I voted no. I voted for Obama, and given what is shaping up on the GOP side I cannot envision voting for anyone but Obama in 2012 (Ron Paul getting the nomination could change that definitely).

Tell me again what crime it is that you think Obama should be impeached for. Something about "trying to get laws passed"? Actually, it is Congress that introduces, debates, and eventually passes or rejects new laws. Now, if the Congress passed, and then the President signed a law which is unconstitutional (e,g. the debt ceiling law), then maaaaybe you could make what would even then be an absurd call for impeachment.

But for suggesting solutions and expressing an opinion? I don't think so.