Please help me understand the setup of an air cool tube for 400w


I am looking to cool my light (since it gets pretty dang hot). Im thinking of buying around a $99 cooltube (or making a homeade one), but I'm not understanding how this can be hooked up to my reflector.

It seems like the cool tubes for sell/ or homeade ones that I've found are already 'reflectors' themselves and you somehow to have to hook those up to the ballast through wiring? So I would have to de assemble my reflector and hook the wires up?
(No chance in me doing that, I don't know shit about electrical wiring).

So, how/what type of cooltube do I need to buy/make for this type of light with a reflector?

Also.. the typical $90-260 "400Watt HPS Cooling Tubes" do these already have some type of built in air condition that cools the light?

This is my reflector/ballast.

Please help me understand this. Thanks


Well-Known Member
the mogul base is already prewired up. you will also need ducting and a fan as no A/C is included. what kind of reflector do you have now?


Active Member
Typically, or at least the way I have it... First hanging in the room is the can air filter, then a 6" duct from that filter to the cool tube.... then a 6" duct from the cool tubes opposite side, to the in-line fan and a 6" duct from the in-line fan out of the room to wherever depending on the exhaust air temp... it is clean, odourless air and if it is not too hot, or moist, send it into your return air for your furnace... Viola... done!

hey cacamal thanks for the reply.. There is a link in the last post to it.. Here it is again.

Also most of the time do people only use a fan to cool it or cooled air such as from air condioner duct


Thanks Residual. I think I have a pretty good understanding of the airflow now.. but what about my specific light that i showed? Do you have any ideas of how to make a cooling system for this? I saw a few homeade coolers but they all seemed like you still had to screw the light directly into the cooltube. Would this be possible to fit into my light since it already has its area to where the light screws in?


Well-Known Member
Come on man, buy one, its worth the money, its like less than $200 for digi ballast, cool tube, reflector, and bulbs. When your all said and done you'll wish you would of just bought the correct light. To cool the light you pull air from outside thru the lights and out, that is if you live in a somewhat cool climate, if you don't AC unit and several fans you will have to buy, you get what you put into it, don't half ass it or you won't be happy with your results, I could setup a beginer setup for less that $600 and pull a LB every 12 weeks with correct equipment. Put that in prospective.


cooltube are over rated and way too long. 20-29" tube for a 7-8" bulb. I like the box type air cooled reflectors and the duct work is easier. The dual bulb growzilla looks promising