6 weeks flowering .. looks pretty much done.


Active Member
I have 7 plants I have been force flowering, moving them in every night and out everymorning (yes a pain in the ass). They are currently 5 weeks 6 days into flower and they are looking pretty much done. Top 1/2 the plant there is very little hairs left, and those left are clearly red. Plant itself has turned very very purple over the past 5 days and growth seems to have slown down. There is a ton of crystal and they are sticky and smelly as hell. Im no pro but they look to me to be one week out, which would put them at 7 weeks.

I had a VERY experienced grower buddy tell me the same thing when he had a look himself yesterday. I got the clones from him and he didnt seem overly surprised they finished so fast as they have had 12 hours of full direct sunlight (south facing hill) and a full 12 hours of complete darkness. He seemed to think the hot direct sun just finished them off nice and quick (its been 95-105f all summer, little rain).

I tried to snap some pictures to get some real advice but unfurtunately my camera is ass and its just a big blur. I do plan on going down to the store to replace the 2nd jewelers loupe I have lost (damn weed) and have a good look tomorrow.

Just curious, if anyone else is finding things finishing quicker in this intense summer heat were having, or if someone has had similar finishes.

Strains im growing:
Purple Kush
Purps (fucking awesome plant)


Active Member
Im a beginner myself bro but i have 3 platinum og and 2 granddaddy purps that are a good 4 1/2 weeks n2 flower wit about 2 to 3 weeks left givin the growth rate trich and bud development , mine weren't in full direct sunlight however so the shade might be what forced mine to flower early


Well-Known Member
I'd suggest you get a 30x loup and look at the trichomes.

Most people consider their weed "finished" when 5% to 25% of the trichomes are amber, while all the rest are cloudy.

Some sativas are better, harvested just as all the trichs are cloudy. Trainwreck is a good example.


Active Member
I'd suggest you get a 30x loup and look at the trichomes.

Most people consider their weed "finished" when 5% to 25% of the trichomes are amber, while all the rest are cloudy.

Some sativas are better, harvested just as all the trichs are cloudy. Trainwreck is a good example.
Yeah I will loup it up for sure, go buy one tomorrow.

Funny you should mention that though, I actually grew trainwreck last year and have another this year. I had to finish the thing in my shed under lights, roughly 12-14 weeks of flowering with no trace of amber trichs. Well worth it though, pretty amazing smoke.

Im so incredibly spoiled its not even funny. I keep hearing all these people buying seeds at $70 a pop to get these awesome strains. My buddy has been growing legally (3 licenses) for years now and he has hand picked out his favorite strains from over the years. Last year he gave me 10 trainwreck. This year he was nice and gave me a mix of his all stars lol. Amounted to the Trainwreck, Purple kush, Blueberry, Purps and Duke Nukem (or something like that). I paid $5 a clone.


Active Member
Heres some pics, couldnt get a bud shot camera was far too blurry.

Wont be helpfull for advice I know, just figured I would show them for the hell of it.

Aug 12 036.jpg
Aug 12 032.jpg
Aug 12 033.jpg
Aug 12 035.jpg

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Two more weeks, maybe. Is the nights cool there? My Master Kush didn't turn purple until I brought it in the AC.


Active Member
They come inside at night, but yeah I guess cooling off a bit at night. Honestly shocked me how quickly they turned color. One day it was jthe edges of the leaves like you see in the bottom pic. Then in a matter of one night it just went VERY dark. Really quite cool. I may have it a bit too much nutes, can see the leaves curling in a bit. Seem very healthy though and man the sugar is impressive.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I make it a point to prolong the due date for a long as possible. Each day, more weight. Are you still feeding?


Well-Known Member
They're close to being done if u wait to more weeks those buds will get bigger and fill the space left in between the nodes and branches

South Texas

Well-Known Member
They're close to being done if u wait to more weeks those buds will get bigger and fill the space left in between the nodes and branches
That is, if he feeds the staving Ladies. Now isn't a good time to do the diet thing, not at all. Good organic foods will not cause a bad taste or smell. Spray with Seaweed & Molasses mixture, also.


Active Member
I keep hearing mixed idea now with feeding and not feeding the last few weeks. I just know last year I think I did something wrong with the feeding and/or flushing my bud tasted fine and was very potent it just didnt burn that well. Can tell from the pic too it looks like I probably overfed them at somepoint along the lines this time too. Im very casual with my grow. I cant justify spending alot on the crazy organic nutes with my current lifestyle. Meh I dunno im probably lazy and im sure it would be worth the investment, I just try to keep it very basic and cheep as it seems to keep my wife happy ... But I have been considering molasess, heard good things. Guess ill research that a bit more tonight.


Well-Known Member
That is, if he feeds the staving Ladies. Now isn't a good time to do the diet thing, not at all. Good organic foods will not cause a bad taste or smell. Spray with Seaweed & Molasses mixture, also.
Yea he has to feed them... The experienced growers I have talked to tells me to continue to feed them so they will stay healthy through the whole flowering process

South Texas

Well-Known Member
When I had lot's of white hairs, it still took a month to mature, but the Bitches was growing & filling out like crazy. Hey Cal., if you are in a position to continue on with these Ladies, there is a couple things that you may want to consider. Once the Bud turns amber, just clip 80% of it off. With feeding, that Bud will start growing again. Double the yeild.
Also, rejuvinating. I HATE killing a Lady for no reason. I got 3 harvest off a Cal. Orange Bud. Well, the Law got the 3RD Harvest, but She was doing well. You can do without the Molasses at this point, the seaweed will make your branches stronger to hold the buds, plus it has 90 different components in it. For Nitrogen, I use fish emulsion. One bottle goes a LONG way. I ordered some Earth Juice Bloom once, and all my Buds exploded with growth. I was amazed. I don't buy all that high dollar shit, I mix all my own stuff. Rabbit manure is the best to start with, and go from there. $100. buck will damned near get you $20 Grand or more. The winter time is time to start planning & gathering up shit. If your shit didn't burn well, too much moisture, maybe? Them dam Buds will be dry on the outside, moist on the inside, that why a very slow drying is needed, then curing. People don't feed at this point because they use that chem shit that fucks shit up. The most productive time of the grow is now, getting the big fat buds, & people say don't feed! You got to be kidding me. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
yea man, those purp strains can finish in 45 days when given 12 hours of darkness every day. It's the DARK hours that are important to flowering, the full sun didn't speed em' up just made em' fatter. Like everyone is saying, you have to get a lookat the trichs and go by that.


Well-Known Member
When I had lot's of white hairs, it still took a month to mature, but the Bitches was growing & filling out like crazy. Hey Cal., if you are in a position to continue on with these Ladies, there is a couple things that you may want to consider. Once the Bud turns amber, just clip 80% of it off. With feeding, that Bud will start growing again. Double the yeild.
Also, rejuvinating. I HATE killing a Lady for no reason. I got 3 harvest off a Cal. Orange Bud. Well, the Law got the 3RD Harvest, but She was doing well. You can do without the Molasses at this point, the seaweed will make your branches stronger to hold the buds, plus it has 90 different components in it. For Nitrogen, I use fish emulsion. One bottle goes a LONG way. I ordered some Earth Juice Bloom once, and all my Buds exploded with growth. I was amazed. I don't buy all that high dollar shit, I mix all my own stuff. Rabbit manure is the best to start with, and go from there. $100. buck will damned near get you $20 Grand or more. The winter time is time to start planning & gathering up shit. If your shit didn't burn well, too much moisture, maybe? Them dam Buds will be dry on the outside, moist on the inside, that why a very slow drying is needed, then curing. People don't feed at this point because they use that chem shit that fucks shit up. The most productive time of the grow is now, getting the big fat buds, & people say don't feed! You got to be kidding me. Good Luck.
I'm glad u said this cus it's jus confirmed what the ppl I talked to said to do and it all makes sense. Why stop feeding ur plants if u want big fat nice buds. But a quick question how long do u dry and cure after u harvest


Well-Known Member
Feeding is fine, up to within a couple weeks of harvest.

What you don't want is an excess of Nitrogen during flowering, as it will affect taste and cause buds to stretch, and remain fluffy.

The pix surprised me as far as maturity goes. And then I remembered a couple strains I fooled with about a decade ago. Purple strains that developed buds very quickly, and then took another six weeks to fill in the gaps and finish.

They were very prone to molding in the last couple of weeks.

The reason I dropped them, finally.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Your going to have to read very carefully about the curing time, if an impatient person, it's hard. The longer the better, 6 months is awesome. Some tobacco is dried in ovens, some naturally. The drying, a LOT has to do with the temp & the humidity. It'll NEVER dry when the humidity is 80 fucking % everyday, The AC will take the humidity out. I hang it for about 10 days to 2weeks, but I also dry on the stalk. If I have 6 plants waiting to be trimmed, it takes awhile, so they sit & wait in line & dry some on the stalk. & I don't water them either just before bringing in from "The Pea Patch". A hanging screen to lay all the buds on works well with indirect air movement in the room. It's the waiting for the moisture of the inside of the bud to absorb to the dry part of the outside of the Bud that just takes time. can't rush it. I get 1 or 2 cases of canning jars at Walmart to cure in. When dry eneough, or so I think, I "LIGHTLY lay buds into the jar, leaving 20% empty, you don't want to crowd them or pack them. Then I lay them on their side & open up for about 3 minutes twice per day at first. After a lot of the "Fresh mowed lawn"smell is gone, or so it seems, once per day. Sunlight or bright lights will disimpate the THC. Store in dark, cool place. Beer flats do good also, but dry with only one layer, not piled up on top of each other. Read about it, it's cool.


Active Member
Thanks for all the advice everyone.

Went out and fed them a bit of molasses with their water today. Amazing another plant turned pretty much purple over night, again fun to watch.

Question though, I found 2 seeds in a plant, pulled them out. When my buddy was over the other day (gave me the clones) he noticed the start of a seed forming and plucked it off. Said it was common with the strain to get a seed or two and said it was nothing to be concerned about. Is he right, is that nothing too be alarmed about? Whats really got me worried is the other 3 plants I have going in the shed at night with them (started 7 flowering 6 weeks ago, grew up 3 others bigger to finish at the end of the summer). They are budding VERY nicely and look extremely healhty ... but could these few seeds im finding on my plants turn them dude?

Thought about it at work today, really sketching me out now ...