powdery mildew

omg me too. i know johnny richters family i grew up with his cousins. i plan on growing some kings blend as soon as i can get my hands on blueberry white widow seeds. i've grown it before it's good beautiful plant


PM is one crappy thing to get. First of all address issues in the grow. What are the temperatures? What is the RH? How much airflow is in the area? How dense are the plants?
If you're vegging/early flowering, I highly suggest using a sulfur burner. I've gone through N202 foliar sprays, neem oils, Mildew Cure sprays and none worked. I then tried a sulfur burner and it worked GREAT. Save your money from sprays and buy the burner & some garden sulfur, it is very worth it.


Well-Known Member
omg me too. i know johnny richters family i grew up with his cousins. i plan on growing some kings blend as soon as i can get my hands on blueberry white widow seeds. i've grown it before it's good beautiful plant
Sweet, I never knew what the blend was lol... Sounds awesome!
PM is one crappy thing to get. First of all address issues in the grow. What are the temperatures? What is the RH? How much airflow is in the area? How dense are the plants?
If you're vegging/early flowering, I highly suggest using a sulfur burner. I've gone through N202 foliar sprays, neem oils, Mildew Cure sprays and none worked. I then tried a sulfur burner and it worked GREAT. Save your money from sprays and buy the burner & some garden sulfur, it is very worth it.
thanks i've heard of that but wasnt sure exactly


thanks i've heard of that but wasnt sure exactly
Yeah, it sucks...its very very hard to get rid of from plants if you don't use a sulfur burner. The sprays might seem to get rid of it, but it'l just come back in no time..happened to me on my last grow and ruined my harvest.
I would say keep your temperatures below 74F and your humidity below 50% for vegging & flowering. Cut off any leaves you see with mildew and trim large areas that block airflow if needed. Then make sure you have good ventilation; adding a small fan here and there can really help bump up the flow.
Run a sulfur burner during your night cycle with all your fans off so that sulfur can get e v e r y w h e r e. Stop burning sulfur when the plants are a few weeks into the flowering stage and buds are becoming more pronounced.

I've been through neem oils and several sprays like Mildew Cure and I'll say if you do go that route, spray no more than twice a week and never with lights on..if using a 600-1000w HPS it will burn leaves. But expect it to never truly leave if you use sprays. Sulfur is your best chance and you should start burning sulfur asap to really maximize effectiveness.


Well-Known Member
wipe the leaves down with milk, use h202(i think the stronger stuff would work better). folair feed with neem oil. folair feed with apple cider vinegar