Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
Ahh stfu, your an atheist. Gtfo.
Quit mentioning God, your not looking for rep.
Lame ass athiests with nothing better to do then bother people with hope.

EDIT:I gotta say that not believing is one thing, and purposely starting a topic to make fun of someone else for believing and trying to convince them to stop believing is the wrose.
O.P. ftw ^


Well-Known Member
Is what I would be doing if I wanted to be a little more Christian about my ways.


Well-Known Member
Your right, if I wanted to be a hardcore christian I wouldn't be on RIU, or using the internet. Or watching TV, and I'd be preaching.
how hard is it to learn the correct usage of "you're" and "your"?

any point you make is INVALID when you can't grasp basic spelling.


Well-Known Member
how hard is it to learn the correct usage of "you're" and "your"?

any point you make is INVALID when you can't grasp basic spelling.
Its sad to see someone correcting my spelling when were talking about religion. Got nothing better to do? Stay out.


Well-Known Member
to post a youtube link, ... simply click the "filmstrip icon" in the tool bar of the reply box. copy and paste YOUR link into the popup box.



Well-Known Member
Your right, if I wanted to be a hardcore christian I wouldn't be on RIU, or using the internet. Or watching TV, and I'd be preaching.
*i think your in NEED of stronger "medication"... mary jane might not be able to save you... sorry :(

--cheers tho, btw.. God said your crazy... and just a heads-up.. stop being a deuche bag, the Crusades' ended 666 years ago.. ;)


Well-Known Member
actually you are preaching and im just saying god doesnt want you on a pulpit, he wants you carrying your granny's groceries, or doing something productive, cause spreading christ has nothing to do with telling people this or that it has to do with showing people what being a good person is, by being a good a person, and if they happen to ask you why you are such a good person, then you can say "because i have god in my heart", otherwise you do not have god in your heart and are instead knealing at the alter of self worship and calling others to do the same. so go rad a chemistry book and next time educate people by preaching about how atoms work, and maybe god will forgive you.


Well-Known Member

This is productive, carrying grannies groceries when shes an antichrist is stupid.


Well-Known Member
That is what being christian is about. Not carrying grannies groceries.


Well-Known Member
Thats the kidna stuff that gets you rep with Jesus.


Well-Known Member
its interesting that you quote john, a man that actually never met jesus (or if its the other john, lol i forget, but whether or not im confusing john´s, either person im talking about, never really understood jesus)

but hey.

curious, so all you gotta do is believe in jesus and god?


Well-Known Member
its interesting that you quote john, a man that actually never met jesus (or if its the other john, lol i forget, but whether or not im confusing john´s, either person im talking about, never really understood jesus)

but hey.

curious, so all you gotta do is believe in jesus and god?
Funny how this guy thinks you that passing judgement on and acting in a hateful manner towards others is what hod would want


Active Member
Jesus is God bro. Theres no proving that Jesus existed because its a fact, he existed.
Direct influence on our daily lives today.
I don't understand how proving jesus existed proves that he was the son of god. He was a man, nothing more...


Well-Known Member
its interesting that you quote john, a man that actually never met jesus (or if its the other john, lol i forget, but whether or not im confusing john´s, either person im talking about, never really understood jesus)

but hey.

curious, so all you gotta do is believe in jesus and god?
Well, you gotta admit to believing in Jesus Christ and even try to help non believers become born again christians.
Also its about becoming sin free so you will be seen as a saint. Since everyone sins, Jesus forgives old past sins.