Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
how do hc my man, looks like you've been pulling more dank out AGAIN. that qleaner looks seriously lush.

how does the casey band hit? like a freight train? looks the type to.

well chuffed for westy n lgp. just shot him a txt n he's out golfing hahaha i thought he'd be sleeping...

hope your good fella!?:joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey hey buds. HC, it's looking ricter as always. I'm outta town for a few-- can't wait to get back and see how the girls are doing-- C4 x was starting to do her thing before I left, so I'm expecting some progress upon my return.

Donnie, you're alive mate! Hope you had a good birfday.

Alright, keep the fotos coming lol. Every time i get back in the car and into cell range I get more HC pr0n. It's fukin grand! :peace:

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
how do hc my man, looks like you've been pulling more dank out AGAIN. that qleaner looks seriously lush.

how does the casey band hit? like a freight train? looks the type to.

well chuffed for westy n lgp. just shot him a txt n he's out golfing hahaha i thought he'd be sleeping...

hope your good fella!?:joint:
Like a freight train is great description especially with Casey Jones at the helm. It's seriously dank. I'm not a huge fan of the diesel smell and taste but I guess I can live with it hehe, the trade-off for the knock out stone is worth it ;)

Yup I'm good man, think I just lined up work for the month of sept today...Man cannot (quite) live by gardening alone. I'll have to check out your thread and hear about your weekend!

Hey hey buds. HC, it's looking ricter as always. I'm outta town for a few-- can't wait to get back and see how the girls are doing-- C4 x was starting to do her thing before I left, so I'm expecting some progress upon my return.

Donnie, you're alive mate! Hope you had a good birfday.

Alright, keep the fotos coming lol. Every time i get back in the car and into cell range I get more HC pr0n. It's fukin grand! :peace:
Well if your on the trip that you were mentioning last week enjoy it brother, it sounded like some quality time! I'll look forward to seeing how your girls are doing (third indoor gro bro : )

I will post some up for ya too bro, have fun!


Well-Known Member
Yo HC wanted to pop in and say my Qleaner x CaseyBand was a boy too. Gonna keep him around for some pollen to keep the QleanerX's going. My BSBx goes into flower tomorrow for sexing so hopefully she's a she!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Donnie, you're alive mate! Hope you had a good birfday.
hey Bobro! yeah man had a killer few days. nothing too out there just chilled with my lady for the most part.
Like a freight train is great description especially with Casey Jones at the helm. It's seriously dank. I'm not a huge fan of the diesel smell and taste but I guess I can live with it hehe, the trade-off for the knock out stone is worth it ;)
Yup I'm good man, think I just lined up work for the month of sept today...Man cannot (quite) live by gardening alone. I'll have to check out your thread and hear about your weekend!
hahah oh what a pain to have to put up with a diesel taste hahaha ive yet to try real sour. its on the list bout 3 pages in haha. good to have a good chunk of work coming up just before the festive season man. i'm keeping my exploits to a minimum on riu these days bro ;) ;)

stay up man!


Well-Known Member
heyyy watsup HC? yeaa i looked at the top (clone) i took off the BSB cross... adn it finally started wilting away... =( soo it didnt make it.. soo i went into the flower room and just cut off another branch. hopin this 1 will root. =D but as i was inspecting her to find the best branch to take... i noticed pink inside all the budsites.. and noticed that the calaxes are pink/purple as well! XD and the begining of a lot of the leaves are pink as well! =) sooo pretty sure im gonna have a nice colorful pheno.. =D deff probly leanin more 2wards the BSB side. im wicked excited to see how she does! i NEED to get this clone to survive. its a nice healthy branch tho. soo i have a good feelin about it. but im not gonna germ any more seeds for now... adn depending on how the BSB cross does.. i may do a run of just clones from that plant.. or do a mini SOG and have like 75% of the plants be the BSB cross... im really excited/curious to see how she grows now.. so far im very happy tho. i lollipopped her alot tho.. the lower nodes barely had anything on them. soo i jsut chopped'em off. adn now i have like 4 or 5 big healthy branches! ill keep ya up 2 date and maybe sneak a pic or 2 up hea for ya so u can see her.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^ That makes me really, REALLY, hope my BSB is a girl!

How long you thinkin these BSBxCB are gonna flower for? At least 8-9?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
heyyy watsup HC? yeaa i looked at the top (clone) i took off the BSB cross... adn it finally started wilting away... =( soo it didnt make it.. soo i went into the flower room and just cut off another branch. hopin this 1 will root. =D but as i was inspecting her to find the best branch to take... i noticed pink inside all the budsites.. and noticed that the calaxes are pink/purple as well! XD and the begining of a lot of the leaves are pink as well! =) sooo pretty sure im gonna have a nice colorful pheno.. =D deff probly leanin more 2wards the BSB side. im wicked excited to see how she does! i NEED to get this clone to survive. its a nice healthy branch tho. soo i have a good feelin about it. but im not gonna germ any more seeds for now... adn depending on how the BSB cross does.. i may do a run of just clones from that plant.. or do a mini SOG and have like 75% of the plants be the BSB cross... im really excited/curious to see how she grows now.. so far im very happy tho. i lollipopped her alot tho.. the lower nodes barely had anything on them. soo i jsut chopped'em off. adn now i have like 4 or 5 big healthy branches! ill keep ya up 2 date and maybe sneak a pic or 2 up hea for ya so u can see her.

Yes please do I would love to see it! I suppose I should start cataloging everyones test grows, there is going to be a lot of feedback coming in soon. She sounds like what you were looking for Chris, I'm stoked for you!

I just got a call from my girl and she was asking if we could have shepards pie for lunch. Shoot it's barely noon and I haven't even had breakfast yet lol. Well she has to go to work at 330 so I guess I'll run up to the store and get some fixins to make some sheha for her ; !) I'll be finishing trimming this run tonight...there is the indica Qleaner and 2 more Caseybands left. These CB went about 5 more days than the other two,,,great, as if it wasn't potent enough before haha. And the first two plants will be out the door tonight so the 2 extra ripe ones will be mine lol. Yikes :)

Catch ya later man, have a good one!


Well-Known Member
^^^^^ That makes me really, REALLY, hope my BSB is a girl!

How long you thinkin these BSBxCB are gonna flower for? At least 8-9?
yeaa im really really happy! i couldnt notice the pink/purple under the HPS lighting.. but once i pulled it out to take a clone... i was like hmmmmm.... wait a minute...? lol. im hopin urs is female too man! i only had 1 seed germ. and i lucked out. it was a female

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
^^^^^ That makes me really, REALLY, hope my BSB is a girl!

How long you thinkin these BSBxCB are gonna flower for? At least 8-9?
Hey CLove, bummer about the C-4 cross. I just hate it when I see boys pop up when I'm hoping for girls,,,you guys must really hate it!

I would say you right on the money with the time...as far as trics go, I don't usually like to see a whole lot of ambers. If you have a good strong strain to begin with you don't need the extra time to increase potency. Most everything that I have are 7.5 to 8.5 wks. Flowering time was always a consideration over the years of collecting keeper phenos.

Good luck with it man!


Well-Known Member
Guys popping up...wat wat, trouser tents I hear you say?? There is no way to talk about male plants without coming across a little bit camp. I have a Deep Blue Male, nice and short and a good combo of the looks of the sativa and the indica parents...I just want his balls to open up and...well you know. Okay, off for 20 pints and 10 steak pies.


Well-Known Member
Hey hey brother. I made it home in one piece... how're things with you? btw, I'll send you what I've fiddled with so far later this eve when I get back from work. It's not much, but is a start.... ;) ;)

The girls have grown a lot, too, of course. Always nice to bail for a few, then come home and see all the growth. One of my cheeses is looking all weird tho. Not terrible... just a couple odd looking leaves I've never seen before. I'll have to post pics of it on my thread later tonight.

Alright, gonna go get my coffee and bong some kaas, as DST would say. I'll catch up with ya!


Well-Known Member
Waddup? Morning everyone....about to head to work for a 12 hour day. Was just dropping by to say hello. Hope everything's going good for everyone. √


Well-Known Member
All is great, I just finished work, hope you don't get as wet as I did cycling to a meeting today, lmfao, I was drenched when I arrived. Had to sit for an hour with squelchy drawers....no funnies now Colorado!!!!! hehe.


Well-Known Member
Oh man you're just serving them up! Haha! No I squandered all my creativity on that last edit.

HC I put my last of the HC Gear I have going right now into flower last night, couple of days and we'll know what the BSB is gonna be! I'm gonna start up a Rom, P10, and a Calizahr I think as I'm running out of plants! Good problem to have though considering my fat stash of seeds!