Things that kill people more often than pot...


Well-Known Member
No need to. You obviously haven't seen his other thread Carne.
ya carne, go check it out on page 2......head the warning though....and while your at it.

Look at all fainting goats posts....and tell me how sick and twisted his thoughts are....wishing me and my children would get hit by a bus....hoping I get hit by a 18 wheeler. But killing a rodent is "sick thinking" in his words.


Well-Known Member
Seriously man, I'm in a completely different thread and you followed me over here. DON'T EVEN FUCKING DENY IT. Fuck off you piece of shit. I'm really getting annoyed at your constant harassment. Just fuck off little girl.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
ya carne, go check it out on page 2......head the warning though....and while your at it.

Look at all fainting goats posts....and tell me how sick and twisted his thoughts are....wishish me and my children will get hit by a bus....hoping I get hit by a 18 wheeler. but killing a rodent is "sick thinking" in his words.
You mean the Opossum thread? I heeded the warning and stayed out of the thread.


Well-Known Member
Seriously man, I'm in a completely different thread and you followed me over here. DON'T EVEN FUCKING DENY IT. Fuck off you piece of shit. I'm really getting annoyed at your constant harassment. Just fuck off little girl.

I promise this isnt harassment. You get way way to worked up over being shown who you really are....carne is right. Smoke a bowl.


Well-Known Member
Seriously man, I'm in a completely different thread and you followed me over here. DON'T EVEN FUCKING DENY IT. Fuck off you piece of shit. I'm really getting annoyed at your constant harassment. Just fuck off little girl.
Yes I do deny following you. You think cause I post in this thread...and the post is related to you, that I'm hunting you down. Delusions.....


Well-Known Member
See what I mean? He's gonna fucking follow me around until the MODs get him. Hey Carne, just look at the "MANLY" way in which he killed a possum with a dart. Once in the neck, and then once behind the eyeball because it wouldn't die. REAL MAN THERE. Fucking piece of shit, of course I hope you get ran over by some rubber. Why would I not pray for you to go underground?


Well-Known Member
See what I mean? He's gonna fucking follow me around until the MODs get him. Hey Carne, just look at the "MANLY" way in which he killed a possum with a dart. Once in the neck, and then once behind the eyeball because it wouldn't die. REAL MAN THERE. Fucking piece of shit, of course I hope you get ran over by some rubber. Why would I not pray for you to go underground?
the word fuck is so over used....(wow I almost sound like FDD there)

just look at what your saying. Don't worry I wont "follow" you around.....Guess I just cant post in any thread you have


Well-Known Member
wow, you tell me to let things go...and you've posted twice on my profile now in the past 2 minutes wishing death upon me.

carne....correct me if I'm the other thread you quoted me and said "straight people are weird" ...are you homosexual? If so that's fine by my...and I'm sure you could care less what someone thinks about you If you happen to be that way.

and if so would this offend you?

TheFaintingGoat - 08-22-2011 11:22 PM - permalink Report


posted on my page for all to see by TheFaintingGoat.

....racial and sexual orientation slander gets old...dont you realize its 2011???


Well-Known Member
or hell how bout those two posts above mine^^^ dont think that offends people?....maybe if you gave a warning first, warning people not to read your racial and sexual oriented slanders...people would heed it and wouldn't end up in arguments such as this.


Well-Known Member
i DON'T GIVE A FUCK. It obviously offends you. That's all I care about. Bro, I fucking can't stand you and I swear I wish you'd fuck off. But all dreams can't come true. SO, I just sit and wait for your reply. Because you're such a weak-minded fuck, YOU CAN'T HELP BUT NOT TO REPLY. hahaha. I laugh at your weak ass. For someone that smokes weed, you sure do come off pretty desperate for a fucking comment. DID I SAY FUCK? SHIT, MY BAD, I MEANT A FAGGOT COMMENT. Something for you to fish for you fucking weak fuck.