H202 for removing salts/nutrient build up from roots


Active Member
Hi, I need to flush out the nutrients from my roots in my B.B.'s. Just wondering how much hydrogen peroxide to use per gallon??? How long do you think it necessary to keep the H202 / H20 mix percolating in the buckets before I could safely consider my roots unlocked/ clean from salts <etc.> ??


Well-Known Member
I have never used h202 for "flushing" buy a flushing agent or use just plain R/O water. When I flush at the end of a harvest I flush for 7 days using "FloraKleen" by GH and then another 7 days with just plain R/O water.


Active Member
Thanks for the response. I know that H2o2 is commonly used for removing bacterial take overs and cleaning the roots on plants. Just wondering if there was a X/gal formula for getting the job done safely.


Well-Known Member
For the heavy duty stuff the rate is 3ml/gallon.

BTW. The flushing agents are a big waste of money. Side by side tests done by others have shown there is little to no increase in the ppm of the runoff water between plain tap and flushing agents. Just sayin.


Well-Known Member
For the heavy duty stuff the rate is 3ml/gallon.

BTW. The flushing agents are a big waste of money. Side by side tests done by others have shown there is little to no increase in the ppm of the runoff water between plain tap and flushing agents. Just sayin.
LOL I knew your ass would chime in...Drip clean by House and Garden is pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
Sigh. Some people just can't help but hold on to their ideas.

Rinse two identical buckets one with water and one with your drip clean and see what the PPM of the waste water is.

15 ppm difference is worth the money? Perhaps for some, but not for me. BTW, you never listed your total weights from your last grow.. what gives?
Thanks for the response. I know that H2o2 is commonly used for removing bacterial take overs and cleaning the roots on plants. Just wondering if there was a X/gal formula for getting the job done safely.
I use the following formula

10*L/C= Ml per day

C= % concentration of H2O2
L= Number of liters in reservoir
G= Number of Gallons in reservoir

I should note, that I use 35% Food Grade H202 and add it at 2ml per gallon at every res change. About every 2-3 days I add about 1ml per gallon.

I love H202 and would not grow without it.


Well-Known Member
Sigh. Some people just can't help but hold on to their ideas.

Rinse two identical buckets one with water and one with your drip clean and see what the PPM of the waste water is.

15 ppm difference is worth the money? Perhaps for some, but not for me. BTW, you never listed your total weights from your last grow.. what gives?

Ehh just never got around to it. I yielded a little over 1.5 lbs.. The Reserva Privada OG #18 was a small yielder. The Super Lemon Haze was huge the one super lemon haze gave me over half a peezy! After you trim and clean I'm too tired to do anything.
Also drip clean isnt a regular flushing agent I'm using top feed drip systems and if you have ever used them you will know they can get clogged by salt build up from your nutrients Using just water does not unclog these so you add drip clean to every res change to ensure your drip systems do not get clogged. But yeah its worth it to me in a drip system.


Well-Known Member
How long did you flower the super lemon for. I threw a small one in the flower room to see what it would do. bastard was on week 11 and I chopped it. Probably only needed another 1-2 but I had to make room.
I hear you about being completely exhausted after harvest. I both love it and hate it. I pulled around 4.3 lbs off that last run and had to call in sick to work the next morning...even though I didn't cut everything at once.

You ever use or see the motorized trimmers in action?


Well-Known Member
How long did you flower the super lemon for. I threw a small one in the flower room to see what it would do. bastard was on week 11 and I chopped it. Probably only needed another 1-2 but I had to make room.
I hear you about being completely exhausted after harvest. I both love it and hate it. I pulled around 4.3 lbs off that last run and had to call in sick to work the next morning...even though I didn't cut everything at once. All my stoner buddies including myself loved the Super Lemon Haze @ week 10 because its a really good sativa high you feel it in your head and its not over powering or give you couch lock.
Motorized trimmers would be nice I'm still new to growing I only have 3 harvests under my belt. I read a post by you saying you were a biologist, pretty cool. I do environmental engineering but my back ground is mining so I dont get to play with plants just rocks and dirt. Lots of mining here in the AZ.

You ever use or see the motorized trimmers in action?
I flowered Super Lemon Haze for 10 weeks along with the Reserva Privada OG #18.. The Super lemon haze grew too big I dont know if thats because of veg time or the fact I ran 4 air stones in that bucket. All my stoner buddies including myself loved the Super Lemon Haze @ week 10 because its a really good sativa high you feel it in your head and its not over powering or give you couch lock.
Motorized trimmers would be nice I'm still new to growing I only have 3 harvests under my belt. I read a post by you saying you were a biologist, pretty cool. I do environmental engineering but my back ground is mining so I dont get to play with plants just rocks and dirt. Lots of mining here in the AZ.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, its a decent enough gig but you probably know what being a consultant is like..gets tiring. I know a couple rock heads that have a pretty sweat gig, they travel all over the world and get paid pretty bank but then again, they are doing oil field research for oil companies. Not exactly the most environmental friendly racket.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, its a decent enough gig but you probably know what being a consultant is like..gets tiring. I know a couple rock heads that have a pretty sweat gig, they travel all over the world and get paid pretty bank but then again, they are doing oil field research for oil companies. Not exactly the most environmental friendly racket.
Real tiring. I'm lucky precious metals have been doing so well i havent had to leave the state. Just sucks driving 5 hours to a mine, do a 1 hour job walk and then drive home another 5 hours..

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I use H2O2 as well religiously but when I first started using it i noticed a bunch of black shit floating in my rez. I investigated further and the H202 was eating my pump filters. I took one out and dumped some on it and it literally got hot to the touch and started foaming. I have since taken my pump filters out and I bag my pumps. Just a thought check to see if your pump filters react to it first. I found a pretty cheap alternative to buying pump bags too. Drainage tile sock, they put this stuff over drainage tile to keep sand and sediment out. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Drain-Pipe-Sock-4-x-10-Sediment-Shield-Filter-Fabric-/160636155946?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2566a9382a


Well-Known Member
You can get those socks at most hydro stores too.. I bought one recently because I'm using coco chips as my medium. Gotta protect the pump!

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
h2o2 is more to add DO to res and suppress pathogens...
if you need to remove salt buildup just flush with water.
dont waste your money on clearex or similar products