LOL thats kinda where im at.. I make really good money .. but my job is literally killing me .. I have a back of a 60 year old.. and the labor if breaking me the fuck down.. but im 27 .. and have 2 kids and a wife to support.. so its not like I can go back to school you know.. so i just roll with the punches.. pray my back holds up and try to live for the moment... I have lots of hobbies/ talents.. So if I get to the point I cant do my job anymore.. I would prob have to move out of state.. Grow to keep myself afloat while I changed career fields..
But for right now . it stays a hobby ya know.. but you and steeze.. dont have the commitment .. and really have nothing to lose .. even if you get caught.. chances are your not going to get in much trouble because of the medical laws.. For me its just too much risk because if I go to jail for even a weekend.. i lose my job...
But the risk to reward ratio is great for you guys! and fuck we all love doing obviously ... who knows .. maybe these grow journals will be resume's for phillip and morris when pot goes legal and they need " growing professionals " LOL
That would be kickass! They already get a shit load of money from me each year so working for them would be the SHIT.
Don't know if I would want to be working for PhillipMorris but damned if I don't understand what you mean. When marijuana becomes legal 80% of the world doesn't even know how to grow their own tomatoes...They will definitely be needing people with experience and these journals could turn into a portfolio someday. All the pictures and recording, problem solving. Pretty much everything that signifies you know and will do what needs to get done. Without having to rely on others to get it done. IMO anyways. I'm totally with you on that Alota.
How did everyone pick their avatar name, that's what I want to know.
My original name was taken so I had to add some bullshit to the end of it lol I wanted to be Dubbz but some other asshole has Dubbz, that fuck. ahahah so I added the gamer OR (which is 0r) I used to get called a hax0r during my gaming days... so Dubbz, I have 3 W's in my real name...W's, Dubbz, get it? lol
The truth
Bender: Claire, you wanna see a picture of a guy with elephantitis of the nuts? It's pretty tasty.
Claire: No thank you.
Bender: How do you think he rides a bike?
Bender: Oh Claire, would you ever consider dating a guy who looked like this?
Claire: Can't you just leave me alone?
Bender: I mean even if he had a nice personality and a cool car... although you'd probably have to ride in the backseat because his nuts would ride shotgun.
lmfao good old breakfast club (that should show my age)