New 4,400w Room With Co2


Well-Known Member
oh my goooooodnes,oh my goooodness......the buds from the BnS are tremendous!!!!

what you fin toset up a pool or something?XXXL aunt flow,hard in the paint,is the way to go.
that last pic of sb,looks like a space monster.....nice.
lololol Thats one of the first things I thought of haha
Thanks G, not the dankest looking but will see what the final product looks like ;-)
Aunt folw #3 XXXL will cover a 4x8 area in the flower room ;-) 4 plants... giggity
me likey a lot!!!! those buds are huge from the bns!
Thanks for the bump and complement LG :-) I dont think I'll keep her mainly because trimming was way way too extream. I need a good bud leaf ratio,,, That sour d is the ticket ;-)
I had to pull a pillow over my lap, this bud porn is getting hot!


Well-Known Member
Hey whodat just stoped by to check yo shit out looking good from what ive looked at im sub up peace
Hey hellraizer :-) thanks for subbin up, hope you enjoy.
Crazy niice nugg shot dry box! What r ur temps in there whodat?
My temps in that tent are around 75,,, much higher than Id like,,, maybe I should hook an ac up to it.
If I can controll temp in drying I shoot for 67 and around 60% r/h,,,,,, just what I like best\.. but you know it really depends on the bud formation and density :-) this hobby never gets dull,, their is always something to factor in :-)
I see yo boy's dont play mine this year and it's alright with me after last years trouncing!!!would have been different this year...GO Phins
haha consider yourself luck then ;-) hehehe I love my aints! WHODAT!


Well-Known Member
Total rip from the 600 lol

Sorry no time for dates and such :-( I do know that these ak's will be day 1 - 12/12 tomorrow :-)

Thar she blows!

Aunt flow #3 XXXL™ :lol:

Cheers! finally got her going.

Sour D

Space Bomb finishing early in hydro :-) and the samples are quickly become my choice smoke atm. Double cheers!


How do I get around my room for maintenance you ask? IDK lol I'll find a way!


Well-Known Member
You're a smart mother fucker. No doubts about it. I was wandering around my garage today thinking, "I could make a bitching sweet whodat set up in here..." You have your own style bro, and you aren't afraid to grab an idea and run with it. So are you going to pull 1.5 g per watt this time or what?


Well-Known Member
beastly buds man.. everything looks so good

May i ask about your reflector on that cooltube.. Its interesting, but its too bright to really see it. And i was wondering why you have no plants directly under the tube instead on the sides? +rep


Well-Known Member
You're a smart mother fucker. No doubts about it. I was wandering around my garage today thinking, "I could make a bitching sweet whodat set up in here..." You have your own style bro, and you aren't afraid to grab an idea and run with it. So are you going to pull 1.5 g per watt this time or what?
haha thanks allot Joz :-) Im just winging this as I go :lol:
I hope to get 1.5 gpw buuuuut Id be happy with 1 gpw... will dee what happens! :peace:
beastly buds man.. everything looks so good

May i ask about your reflector on that cooltube.. Its interesting, but its too bright to really see it. And i was wondering why you have no plants directly under the tube instead on the sides? +rep
stank you evloalex :-) things are looking dank atm.
About the cooltube,, I removed the reflecting wings but the "spine" of the reflector is still on and I was going to remove that when the plants reach above the light but dont look like thats gonna happen this go around... Im deciding to fill the bottom last to keep that part from getting too tall,, in the past 2 days Iv slowly been filling in the bottom by training.
whodat, that space bomb looks like it could be anyones fav, looking tits bro...
hehe stanks 4t :-) she's doing great :-)

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Aunt flow:) whodat i hope your prepared for them beasts you'll be getting off that!! spacebombs looking real nice but smaller heads than i thought it would bet it smokes dank aswell..
anyway keep it up bro.


Well-Known Member
killin it as always whodat. Go saints (i guess... I'm an afc guy, so go ahead take the nfc for all I care, lol).

So the Aunt Flow xxxxxxL. Is that a mad fast recirculating dwc deal. I think some people call it an undercurrent system (?). I'll tell you what man, the Recirculating is where it's at for me. DWC worked real well... the moving water works even better imo. Shit, the plants in my bottom row have grown so many roots in the time they have been in the tubes. And from the looks of things the water they are in isn't moving and doesn't have bubbles... BUT, looks can be decieving. The top level only have a little nft action going along the bottom of the tubes and their roots look NOTHING like the ones sitting in the moving water.

Woah... just caught myself. I was about to go on for another few paragraphs about my love of the Recirculating water. I'll stop.

Props mate!


Well-Known Member
Jesus H would you look at that ball of roots! Just look at it! Would ya just look at it!?



Well-Known Member
Jesus H would you look at that ball of roots! Just look at it! Would ya just look at it!?

Dude, I cannot watch this shit, I got 2 minutes through and stopped watching it. Christ. How can you let yourself be screwed with for so long? Isn't that supposed to be fucking Jersey?

.... alright I finished watching it while typing this out. I thought people in Jersey had a shorter fuse than that.


Well-Known Member
Jesus H would you look at that ball of roots! Just look at it! Would ya just look at it!?


Dude this is some funny shit and you will not believe i knew a guy in las vegas that did the same thing all day long in the sports book the shit was so funny at first and then it got irritating later and they banned him from coming in but he said the same thing over and over after each play on the big screens would ja look at that? an he never had one ticket bet...