Is This The Time To Start Feeding Fox Farm's Ocean Forest?


This plant is 3 weeks old it's been it in FFOF for 1.5 weeks and watered twice. It's not as perty as it was and the leaves are laying flat also not as green around the tips and the edges of the new growth. Is this the opposite of nute burn? I just don't wanna feed it too soon!
Picture 303.jpg


Well-Known Member
It looks like it has enough ferts, if you feed i feel it will burn, the lighter green growth is from the overferted plant coping better in the soil.

Those fan leaves look too dark green from too much nitrogen, slight leaf edge curl from too high ferts in the soil. You specify that it was transplanted 1.5 weeks ago so probably not established in the pot yet. Too little ferts would more than likely be from Nitrogen deficiency which would be bright soft yellow leaves at the bottom of the plant.

Add ferts if you want to, this is just my opinion, but if it burns or turns dark green like the rest of the plant maybe flush next. Peace


Well-Known Member
And if Loki is Ghetto then i told you you had added too many ferts to your plant a few days ago!lol! Peace