• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Libya No Talk?


Well-Known Member
libyans toppled gaddafi. fyi.

i thought you liked the whole freedom thing. you even have a website about it.
I'm wondering about that "freedom",,,is not "Free",,,saying? Now the people that preach it don't wan't it cause it cost to much to support and was a good move if your a true war Loving "Amarican",and someone else decided's the term's?
Wanna talk about cost of cruise missle's etc...Shit, During training excercises,,, Much more Money is wasted Blowing nothing up!
Obama and any thing he does Right or wrong is moot,,,They wan't him gone, Eventhough he has been way to partisan' for my like's.,,,Also the damn gallop poll's,,,I have never ever been asked to vote have you?

jeff f

New Member
Buck this is simply typical selfish Western attitude when you talk of maintaining your living standard, what is the cost of it for so many other nations around the world, it's just not right and you know it.

I believe that this superior Western complex is fundamental to many of the problems the world has today, it encompasses greed and selfishness until it affects you directly then you cry blue murder and finally see what so many others are hurting from. Libya, Egypt and any other nation helped to democracy by the west will NEVER see the same living standard as Westerners, they will become war torn countries that are used by Westerners for mineral wealth yet will have different faces abusing them in the same way that other dictators have in the past. History shows us that in many African countries and Eastern Europe.

On a completely side note I watched a documentary last night with Ross Kemp in Gaza, I know he is a bit of a dick but it was what the children were saying which was very insightful coming from a 7 year old girl. She was asked what she thought of living in Gaza...her answer was to say that she saw before her eyes her mother lose half of her head and skull in a bombing, her fathers guts spilt onto the floor in that same bombing, she said that she would never be able to forgive the Israelis for doing that and all she could think of when she closed her eyes was revenge for her parents, she also said that she would rather lay down her life as a matyr for this injustice seen as she has lost everything, at such a young age she knows what her future holds, a strangled life in the Gaza without family and prospects and frankly I can't blame her, everyone try just for a second to put themselves in that little girls shoes for a short while, a pain and anger that must be unbearable at times. They happened to live in an area that was initially pinpointed as being a hideout for hamas but was later renaged due to poor intelligence, this was a statement made by the Israeli consulate according to the documentary.

Now I know that this has little to do with Libya directly but it is an example of what the innocents in this war are probably if not certainly experiencing on a daily basis. Yet we Westerners are willing to turn a blind eye to this half way across the world and instead focus on our lovely cars and homes and luxuries like a toilet that does not require cleaning out the bucket every week, less during Rammadan lol, but seriously, stop for a second and think that we ALL were very lucky and fortunate to be born into a Western family as opposed to being born into an Iraqi, Libyan or any other 3rd world family, the only seperation was LUCK nothing more.

Perhaps you don't believe that you have an obligation to humanity to be fair and just but you in fact do, we all do. I am all for survival of the fittest as it is a critical component of natures cycle but Capitalism and greed is not, it never has been.

I feel sorry for humanities future if this is how we treat each other...

i am western. fuck you and your retarded communists friends. your record on human disasters is long and continuous. so take your merry band of little dick tator friends and shove it where the sun dont shine.

and when you little faggots are getting your asses handed to you by other countries, we come in and save your putrid little selves.

we send our citizense to court dates, you send your poeple to death beds and goolags. run along faggot.


Well-Known Member
they also complain constantly about the "zionist occupation government" and deride mexicans for driving older, inefficient automobiles.

bunch of real winners on that site.
Why do they talk about moving to the ukraine? their was something about moving to russia or the ukraine- Is that really the best place, I thought everyone was supposed to move to Idaho or Washington? their talking as iff the days of the us being the place to be are coming to an end and they even sound as if they plan on losing or at best surviving any war that may come. What is your take on all this?


Well-Known Member
I am getting sick of people bashing the "USA",,,Than when they need help we bail there asses out,,,If you don't like the USA go take a vacation in Iran or Somalia,,,North Korea,,,Any 3rd world country,,,Yea we rape and pilage your land for your resourses,,,Maybe but you will bend over with no vasoline to our hated enemie's,,,because your a puusy,,, you are benefiting anyhow,,,Dumbass people.
We started the freedom consept and in the end we can end everything in this fucking world,,,Period.
Damn I need to smoke one and I cant!
Libeya did what they needed to do with the good sides help,,,Fuck everyone that can't fight for there right's in this pathetic world today. Smoke.....


Well-Known Member
Their kidnapping and killing reporters now,
This must be so the westeners can go enjoy heaven without having to wait any longer because the're so grateful we helped liberate them.


Well-Known Member
Their kidnapping and killing reporters now,
This must be so the westeners can go enjoy heaven without having to wait any longer because the're so grateful we helped liberate them.
Who are they a Bunch of rioter's? That's expected esspecially during a Revolution,,,Shit will hit the fan for a while now. What's the difference they are prob. part of the main stream media and there word mean's nothing,,,So some say?,,,WAIT any "Fox",,,sponsered reporter's? The "Truth Behind The Lie's Guy's"?????


Well-Known Member
i am western. fuck you and your retarded communists friends. your record on human disasters is long and continuous. so take your merry band of little dick tator friends and shove it where the sun dont shine.

and when you little faggots are getting your asses handed to you by other countries, we come in and save your putrid little selves.

we send our citizense to court dates, you send your poeple to death beds and goolags. run along faggot.
Thank you for reinforcing my points about your superior attitude as a westerner, did I touch a nerve in you, I clearly did!

PS. I am a westerner myself, the only difference is I see much more clearly our governments indiscressions, you don't as you are clouded by your ill aimed patriotism.


Well-Known Member
I am getting sick of people bashing the "USA",,,Than when they need help we bail there asses out,,,If you don't like the USA go take a vacation in Iran or Somalia,,,North Korea,,,Any 3rd world country,,,Yea we rape and pilage your land for your resourses,,,Maybe but you will bend over with no vasoline to our hated enemie's,,,because your a puusy,,, you are benefiting anyhow,,,Dumbass people.
We started the freedom consept and in the end we can end everything in this fucking world,,,Period.
Damn I need to smoke one and I cant!
Libeya did what they needed to do with the good sides help,,,Fuck everyone that can't fight for there right's in this pathetic world today. Smoke.....
More proof of your attitudes, thank you for that. You are only exposing your true feelings towards the rest of the planet. Keep thinking your Governments reasoning of all these wars is in the name of freedom and democracy.

Every dog has his day....

jeff f

New Member
Here your own agency the FBI help to keep you safe at night fighting the bad guys.....

hey new world dickbag, in case you werent paying attention, go fuck yourself. this country, and its concept of individual liberty, is directly responsible for stopping the oppression of millions of people. we dont line people up against the wall and shoot them like a lot of countries. we let our women drive, unlike a lot of countries. we allow our citizens a vote in what happens, unlike a lot of countries.

and when the chips are down, and people are being slaughtered, or knocked out by tidal waves, or hurricanes, or maliscious little fucktard dick tators, we answer the call to come help save them.

do we have our problems? you betcha. but we dont go whining around the world (well obama does but we dont) how things arent fair blah blah blah.

so stick your bullshit where the sun dont shine....which is directly up your ass.


Well-Known Member
hey new world dickbag, in case you werent paying attention, go fuck yourself. this country, and its concept of individual liberty, is directly responsible for stopping the oppression of millions of people. we dont line people up against the wall and shoot them like a lot of countries. we let our women drive, unlike a lot of countries. we allow our citizens a vote in what happens, unlike a lot of countries.

and when the chips are down, and people are being slaughtered, or knocked out by tidal waves, or hurricanes, or maliscious little fucktard dick tators, we answer the call to come help save them.

do we have our problems? you betcha. but we dont go whining around the world (well obama does but we dont) how things arent fair blah blah blah.

so stick your bullshit where the sun dont shine....which is directly up your ass.
Lol.....America saves the world....fuck yeah!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Lol@stopped the oppression. For what oppression our government did stop, we created 10x that.


Well-Known Member
Oil prices have dropped over 30% but gas prices have dropped 10%
sounds pretty profitable.
The fall of Gaddafi will also help to strengthen the dollar because he was trying to use gold, it will also help the euro.
It will give the oil and construction contracts to the U.S. and european companies instead of the chineese and russian ones Gaddafi was working with.
It will also give our banks controll of the money and credit system of their country as well as controll over the government, They will have elections but the winners will do as we wish.

You have to process oil to make gasoline. just because the raw material is cheaper it doesn't make the processing part any cheaper.


Well-Known Member
You have to process oil to make gasoline. just because the raw material is cheaper it doesn't make the processing part any cheaper.
So whwn Gas was 99 cents a gallon a few years ago that was because processing it was easier then? Or when crude oil prices rose over 100$ a barrel and gas proces went up to ariund 5$ a gallon that was due to a rise in processing costs? The processing is the same as it was fifty years ago, it doesn't cost a larger precentage of the total cost of production. It costs them the same to process a 80$ barrel of oil as a 120$ barrel. Lower oil costs will also actually reduce costs of processing oil into gas because the energy being used to process it is actually cheaper