Fresh, Frozen, Dry, it all works with the dry ice method because it all gets as frozen as it can possibly be after a few shakes of the bag. Dry works the absolute best though, I threw a little frozen into my dry stuff last night when I did it, but I've seen people use just frozen stuff and it works, but not as well.
This is what I got when I threw about a qp of nugs and trim into a bag. Mainly nugs, hermed to the bone nugs.
SC99 hash, with just a splash of Face Off and Sour Grape. This is the grade A gold. First shake with a 160 micron screen. 9 grams. This shit is straight fya!

Here is the Grade B, everything is done with the same size screen, shaken for a few minutes, and then collected. 8 grams this smokes really good, and is definitely worthy of a shelf in the dispensary, but Grade A is fucking way better still.

Had to take an intermission and try out the Grade B, this was actually my first burn of it. I imagine this is what it's like to be a cameraman in a pornography, you just have to take a minute to whip your dick out and try that shit out. Haha, damn I'm white.
Here is Grade C, I haven't tried this shit out yet, but I will probably be combining this with Grade D and using it as cooking grade hash. I think I got about 3.5g of grade C. It's still damn good looking.

This is grade D, absolutely cooking grade hash. It's silky instead of waxy, but it's still sticky so it's hard as fuck to handle. So far everything you've seen naturally clumps together like that, this stuff sort of does, but I had to pinch it together just to show you that it isn't just green matter. I shook the ever-loving shit out of the bag for this, it was a whole qp in there so I wanted my maximum return, and I knew I was already going to be putting this batch into food. 4.5 grams, I think. I was a little drunk, bahaha.

And a beautiful shot of the BD under it's Metal Halide light to finish up, no lens of course.