5x Fem White Widows [NirvanaShop] 400 watt closet 1st OFFICIAL Grow

hey man im new and am going to start an indoor grow but i have a problem, heat and nutrients :p. where can u get those nutrients and what did u use to get rid of the heat?
PS the plants look amazing man.


Active Member
hey man im new and am going to start an indoor grow but i have a problem, heat and nutrients :p. where can u get those nutrients and what did u use to get rid of the heat?
PS the plants look amazing man.
Thanks for the compliments! >;]

You could probably find em at a local hydro store, or I'm sure ebay/amazon have people sellin at good prices. As for the heat, I keep the closet door open and have 3 fans blowing air at different speeds and in different directions--mainly directly under the bulb blowing upward so the heat isn't getting blown onto the plants.

Good luck wit your grow! Definitely drop a link when you get your ladies started :leaf:
thanks a lot for the info :), as soon as i have what i need i definitely will.
hope the rest of the grow goes as planned for you Goos3


Active Member
Your plants looks kind of lanky, how far away is your light from the top of the canopy? Also you need to clean up the under growth that will rob you top buds of nutes and growth. I know its hard to cut off something that looks like its going to produce a bud, but trust me on this one.......all of those lower bud sites will only produce a small popcorn bud (if your lucky) and they wont be worth trimming or drying. Try and concentrate on the buds that are at the top on the canopy and remove (pinch off) all the lower sites.....this will increase the growth of your upper buds. Also make sure they have complete darkness when the light is off, as all the magic happens in the dark. Good luck on your first grow.



Active Member
Your plants looks kind of lanky, how far away is your light from the top of the canopy? Also you need to clean up the under growth that will rob you top buds of nutes and growth. I know its hard to cut off something that looks like its going to produce a bud, but trust me on this one.......all of those lower bud sites will only produce a small popcorn bud (if your lucky) and they wont be worth trimming or drying. Try and concentrate on the buds that are at the top on the canopy and remove (pinch off) all the lower sites.....this will increase the growth of your upper buds. Also make sure they have complete darkness when the light is off, as all the magic happens in the dark. Good luck on your first grow.

Thanks for the comments man, I actually had the lights at around 15" for a while to my surprise--I tried to eyeball it to the 18-24 range but I guess accidentally let them get a little close. But wouldn't that have done the opposite of making them lanky? Any suggestions on a distance to keep the light?

Also, thanks for the advice on the bottom growth. I was wondering why I never see any on most people's grows, and I guess it's because everybody gets rid of it! I'll have to clean them up and have more pics up next time around. Any more suggestions are welcome!


Active Member
[Day 56] -- [8/28/11] -- DAY 17 FLOWER -- 400w HPS

They're gettin so hairy! The buds are just starting to really punch into drive. Still moving the light up to about 18 inches, and I took stlmatt's advice and got rid of a lot of extra leaves that were at the bottom that were either currently yellowing, or would definitely end up falling off later anyway.

Hopefully this will push plenty more energy to the bud sites themselves. Let me know what you guys think!:weed:



Active Member
They look nice and healthy, but very crowded.....what size area are they in? The issue with having them so tight together is the light will not be able to get to the lower bud sites, because the canopy is so dense. This isnt an issue if you stay on top of pinching off the lower buds, I dont remove any fan leaves unless they are yellowing...but I do pinch off all the lower buds that will not receive enough light to produce anything more than a small light-fluffy-popcorn bud. Next time you might want to consider growing fewer plants in that sized area and concentrate on topping, LST, supercropping and or purning in order to produce larger and more dense buds. I really think you could harvest as much if not more bud weight growing 2-3 plants as you would growing 5 in that area......plus you save on seed/soil/nute cost. I like to have 3-4 sqft per plant. Good luck on the flowering.....this is when the fun begins:) Nice work.



Active Member
Thanks, yeah they have a decent amount of room in the whole closet itself, but I've got them bunched closer together to get the most out of the 400. I may have to suck it up and spread them out further eventually.

I did chop a lot of fairly green fan leaves, but they were getting really shaded out by the bigger growth up top and I knew they would eventually yellow up and wilt, so hopefully that will promote more growth up top. Time will tell! Going to snap some more pics tomorrow of the progress:leaf:


Active Member
[Day 59] -- [8/31/11] -- DAY 20 FLOWER -- 400w HPS

They're gettin so crystally now! :-P All the sites have plenty of hairs comin out now, and they're startin to put a little weight on em too. I am going to be running around for the next week so I may not have any updates for about a week or so, but hopefully these will hold ya guys over till they start puttin on some serious weight. Enjoy! :leaf::leaf:


Active Member
[Day 68] -- [9/9/11] -- DAY 29 FLOWER -- 400w HPS

I haven't had a chance to update, and they sure have powdered up a lot! Took off a few more dyin fan leaves around most of the girls, and they seem really happy :leaf::leaf:
