seedlings showing sex ??

I repotted 4 plants the other day the 3 smaller were fine as they was no damage. The larger plant 3 weeks old, is taking it quite bad. When I repotted the lights were left off for more than there usaul period, I,m not sure exactly how long they were off but it couldnt have been more than 12 hours.
Anyway the plant in question has started sprouting what look like little pre flowers, I have done little research on sexing yet and would like to know if this is possible or is it a reaction to be repotted.
Also the bottom set of leaves on this plant have gone crispy brown at the tips and looking very poorly, should I trim this foliage off or let be just now and see if she pulls through, there was some root damage during the move and it was repotted from no nute soil to john innes with + 20 % perlite. The other 3 plants look very healthy no.2 seems to be flourishing already. I have pics on my fone just trying to find the lead


Legal Moderator, Esq.
It's probably just another node, they wouldn't show sex that early even if it was an autoflower.


Active Member
It's probably just another node, they wouldn't show sex that early even if it was an autoflower.
agreed, plants will never show sex that early. clones show the earliest and seeds take seemingly forever. post some pics!