Domestic Violence?


Well-Known Member
lol meta, there are plenty of other people who will try to bash me, let them do it. I feel like we reached the root of the problem
God yer "round" .... and you smell like Fish! How does something that lives in water stink so much? you'd think they'd always be clean


Well-Known Member
^^^^ What he said!

And as a side note, if you are really all about the "I don't care what you all think of me on this site" Then why did you let yourself get influenced into taking the picture off .... I knew you cared about your image on here :D


Well-Known Member
My mother is not a pushover, but she was always faithful- cooking, cleaning, working, raising my brother and I. She's the one that paid for the appliances, took us to school as my dad couldn't drive. She's only 5ft 3 and had a grown man like my dad snap on the most ridiculous things. Arguements would start out of nowhere so we always had to tiptoe around my dad in case something set him off.

I watched him strangle her until she passed out, beat her in my bedroom doorway while I was trapped in there, throw her over the kitchen table, push her down the stairs, kick her ou of the house in just a bathrobe and hold her over the edge of the balcony with his hands around her throat again

I'm not saying she never tried to defend herself (kickboxer) and doesn't give him lip when it's due, but you can't tell me that shit isn't fucked up.

And look where I am with how I let men treat me. Violence like that doesn't just fuck up your body, but your head too. I got lucky- the last time he put his hands on me I fucking bit him and ran off to the country for a few days.

I'm not saying it doesn't happen to men though. Women who beat men are just as disgusting, if not more because they're taking advantage of the bias against men. They think no one will believe their abused husband and they are taking advantage of a rare guy who is gentle and sweet natured. It's women like that who make some people start thinking 'maybe the bitch deserved it' towards innocent women.

I hear you guys joke about such things all the time but giving a bitch a fist is in no way funny , especially when it's happened to you.


Well-Known Member
Just say no to domestic violence, no matter what your woman does don't beat her ass just leave her and move on with your life and if your just a dick that likes beating women-kill yourself.