How long do you germinate seeds paper towel method before giving up +rep given


Well-Known Member
while im germinating them that way i like to put them inbetween 2 plates as usuall but then put them inside a backpack with a hot water bottle inside. keeps the temp up and they germinate faster. works for me. usuall takes 2-3 days.


New Member
while im germinating them that way i like to put them inbetween 2 plates as usuall but then put them inside a backpack with a hot water bottle inside. keeps the temp up and they germinate faster. works for me. usuall takes 2-3 days.
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Well-Known Member
i throw mine out if they don't start after 1-2 weeks max. even if they do sprout after that they will most likely be frail.


Well-Known Member
^Well, I am talking about m beans, I do not grow any other vegies.
If the paper towel is kept moist as should be, I usually see a tap root in 1-3 days. Anything after a week I would have doubts.


Well-Known Member
Both of mine, one white widow and a blueberry both cracked in 11 hours with a little 'finger' sticking out of each.


New Member
Thanks all
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I gather Wait a week. Nothing happens just bad luck (or practice)


Active Member
How long do you try to get a seed to crack before you give up on it? Using the paper towel method. Any way to coerce the seed to crack?
3 days?
a week?
ive had 3 weeks before sprouts! here they are a week ago.they were old seeds and drove me nuts cause they were all I had.their white widow



Well-Known Member
try putting them on top of something warm,and always check to see if it is damp enough.try putting them on a heating pad,but make sher its on low


Active Member
Thats encouraging

Although it would f up my timetable
soak them in a shot glass of water in a completely dark place for 24 hours until they sink then put them in a paper towel and get it MOIST not soaked.that was the final trick i did and bam they broke out like crazy.put the towel between 2 plates also to keep the light out and stick them on the fridge and they should pop


ive had a few seeds not crack at all but all that have. always shoot after about 48-72 hours all my seeds over 72 hours never opened

Mo(no e)

I read a guide that says seeds older than three years are less likely to germinate, but that it is possible. The older the seed, the longer it will take to crack open, up to two weeks, I've read.
That being said, all of my seeds are two or more years old, and I've never had any take more than four days.


Well-Known Member
i have seed here from 7 years ago my way is the best way lol shuve in rock wool cube faceing noby end up wet put on top of set top box or pc or tv for 3 days come back bam little heads looking at me

Mo(no e)

Oh, man. I never thought to put it on my set top box, that's a great idea! I usually just keep mine on my bathroom sink, it stays warm in there, and I can easily reapply enough water to keep the paper towels moist. Thanks again, for the great idea Rob.