shes a monster-- psycosis 400 hps- 70 litre pot


Well-Known Member
well after yestadays trimm i can now see the light will get rite into that beutyt!!
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thats the mesh i was planning on wrapping round or over her .

here are my 2 cheese plants im still veggin, the big tub is 30 litre an will be switching to a 70 l later on

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rite , is it time to put net over top? or should i wait for the bud sites to show?


Well-Known Member
i think im gona have to do a bit of diy an raise the light!!!

georgy birthday 015.jpggeorgy birthday 014.jpg these pics really dont do zelda any justice, she really is magnificent, an the way shes come back from all that trimming

i done in 1 sitting!!!


Well-Known Member
Looking good bro, what u expecting off this girl????
how u doin super, cheers for stoping by, well its the first time ive done 1 plant on her own like this, so i havnt a clue wot she could yeild.

I guess im hoping for about 10oz dry, maybe, i dunno really , ive had a little flick thru but was hoping to see other similiar grows on here.


Well-Known Member
You should be aiming for 1g per 1 watt. I think you could manage that with the long veg time. 400g = Just over 14oz. Keep up the good work and keep the updates coming


Well-Known Member
You should be aiming for 1g per 1 watt. I think you could manage that with the long veg time. 400g = Just over 14oz. Keep up the good work and keep the updates coming
cheers billy id b well happy wiv that, its a shame i dont have the room, cos id love to do a ton balast bag grow, i heard of ppl pulling a K off hem, but now lookin at mine,

theres no chanceid fit it in my room lol!!


Well-Known Member
ton ballast bag grow?????........elaborate pls
lol!!! i know, its sounds crazy but its true, friend of a friend, pulls 36 here 0r there off 1 plant !!!

ive lookd but havnt found anything like it on here or net, ive tried to find some1 doin a big bucket grow similiar to mine but cant find any, if u know of any please share


Well-Known Member
ok heres 2 weeks in 12/12


in the past ive used canna-boost, but the last time i had big big problems with nute burn, now he bud sies are showing im not sure

weather to givm a boost or go natural??????