6" Duct Muffler Recommendations


Active Member
High everyone, I have a 300CFM fan that is keeping me awake at night so I figure it's time to get something to silence it. Any ones in particular that I should look into?


Active Member
Put it inside a thick cardboard box, simple but worked wonders for me :) I just had to line the edge of the holes in the box with sponge strips as vibraing ducting on the cardbord was louder than the fan itself.


Active Member
Put it inside a thick cardboard box, simple but worked wonders for me :) I just had to line the edge of the holes in the box with sponge strips as vibraing ducting on the cardbord was louder than the fan itself.
Well it isn't the fan itself that is loud, it's all the air that its moving.

Here's a picture of the fan, I have it mounted to my ceiling if that helps



Well-Known Member
I mounted my 440 cfm fan by hanging it in nylon straps. Completely suspended, makes less noise than a box fan on low. 300 cfm isnt enough air movement to be ridiculously loud by itself. You could also wrap the fan in acoustic insulation, or use the sleeping mat to cover it.


Active Member
Thanks for the suggestion. It sounds like wrapping it in acoustic insulation is my best option at this point. Any other ideas before I go through with the insulation?


Active Member
I use phat mufflers as well and they work great... I also use insulated ducting and that helps cut down the noise as well...