I got motion cameras and a nice Louisville Slugger! You can get motion cameras for cheap nowadays and they work wonderfully. As soon as they detect motion they come on and if you have a monitor hooked up to them they pop up on the screen. Super easy to install and you can get them at Costco!!!
my personaly favorite is a security set-up that i have been working on for years, it takes a while to train your dogs to the lights
i use motion sensor lights and my favorite trusty companions, my Pups

i have 3 dogs (american pitbull, british bulldog and american pit/lab cross... all have massive heads, and are properly taken care of...) when the lights go on the dogs take chase. the Bulldog sleeps outside (he refuses to sleep inside, to hot) and is allways first on the scene, he may be small but if he bites your leg your not running far......
i've seen some rippers poop them selves when Hank comes tearing after them (hes the speed, the lab cross). if there in the yard he will jump the fence and chase them untill the end of the street, or untill i call.
I don't condone the use of firearms to protect marijuana, it's much too severe for just a thief.
i know what you mean there JJ. i have a special Chao Ren Chineese Short sword for any of the rippers who think they can take an older dude down.