Stealth Speaker Grow - Short Stuff Super Cali Haze - CFL - SCROG


Active Member
So here is my latest grow which just officially began 08/15/2011. The seed germinated today on 08/16/2011 and was planted directly into her first and final pot.

Super Cali Haze by Short Stuff

Germination Method
Cotton Ball with PH'd water in a baggy method.

Grow Box
I built a stealth grow box our of a large speaker that I had sitting around. We basically have these 2 large speakers sitting in our lounging area on either side of the TV. They work but are never used.. So.. putting dead space to good use, I decided to use this to grow 1 auto-flower using SCROG.

I'm using 2 CoolerMaster 80mm Fans for exhaust. They push alot of CFMs but I'm not sure how much. They are very loud when run at a full 12v. I currently have 1 running at 5v and its whisper quiet. Box stays 2 degrees hotter than ambient air temperature with both lights on. Typically, temperature in the room is 74-76 degrees so the plants should stay at a steady 76 to 78 degrees.

The 4" exhaust ports are located at the top of the box and the 3" intakes are located at the bottom front of the box. Even at 5 volts and the cabinet closed and intake light traps in place, you can feel a strong suction through the front screen of the speaker...

Currently, I have 2 x 6500k 42watt CFL Bulbs for the short veg time. So in total I have 84 watts for veg. They will stay on 24/0 while the seedling sprouts to keep it somewhat warm and promote growth. Lighting will then be switched to 18/6 until harvest.

I will change the lighting configuration during flowering to 1 x 6500k & 2 x 2700k 42 watt CFL bulbs for a total of 126 watts.

Grow Medium & Nutes
I am using FoxFarm Ocean Forest Soil and the Trio Line of Fox Farm Nutes. I will not be feeding her until well into 3-4 weeks of life as the soil is hot enough to support her until then. Feedings will start out very light and gradually get heavier as the plant gets older and can handle it.

I'm using a plastic pot that is 9x9x7.

Can you tell which one is the grow box?

Just a quick back pic of the grow box.

Top inside of the grow box that shows the 4" elbows and the power supply mounted which is running the fans.

Full view inside of the grow box.


Active Member
She came up out of the soil 8/18/2011 and stood straight up... Once she gets her first set of real leaves, I will switch lighting from 24/0 to 18/6.

Here are couple of pics... seems to be progressing quite quickly ;)



Active Member
no pics today as she's just a tiny bit bigger. 2 more green leaves are starting to develop.. we'll see how she does overnight. I switched her to 18/6 today and she got her first 6 hours of rest today. I also added a 120mm fan running at 5 volts to the box for circulation. it blows very gently on the seedling causing it to shake a little which should help keep her stem nice and strong

Bueno Time

Well-Known Member
LOoks pretty nice and stealth micro setup there but I hope you have some sort of carbon filtration planned or it wont be so stealth in about 6 weeks! :)


Active Member
LOoks pretty nice and stealth micro setup there but I hope you have some sort of carbon filtration planned or it wont be so stealth in about 6 weeks! :)
LOL! For sure man.. I am will be using a CAN type Carbon Filter for the smell ;) Thanks for dropping by. I got some more pics and updates I"ll be posting in a few..


Well-Known Member
haha, i love it man. i love how hidden ur grow box is. i was thinking of doing something like this!
will your plant not eventually out grow this box tho ?


Well-Known Member
This is the first post I've noticed growing "The Super Auto!" 'scribed for sure. From the buzz that I hear the yield is supposed to be amazing. I also hear is a lengthy one though, so good luck; hope the SCROG tames the beast.... nice speaker conversion btw


Active Member
haha, i love it man. i love how hidden ur grow box is. i was thinking of doing something like this!
will your plant not eventually out grow this box tho ?
thanks man! I have about 13" maximum height in the grow box from the soil up to about 3 inches from the lights.. I will be using SCROG to keep her shorter than she normally would be. Usually these girls get about 18" in a 1 gallon pot from what I've seen so I'm not too worried about the size. If she does get too big, I have a stealth dresser grow box that I built awhile back I can put her in.


Active Member
This is the first post I've noticed growing "The Super Auto!" 'scribed for sure. From the buzz that I hear the yield is supposed to be amazing. I also hear is a lengthy one though, so good luck; hope the SCROG tames the beast.... nice speaker conversion btw
I've seen some good yields on her as well with LED and CFL. Normally, if done right, CFL will yield about an oz dry but LED could yield you 2 oz.. Seed to Harvest is 90 to 120 days so yea she is a lengthy one but that's the price you pay for growing out a Sativa dominant strain.. ;) I will more than likely be switching to a Blackstar 180 watt LED grow light in the near future.


Well-Known Member
Niceee... i got some nutes today for my babies, 6-2-4 so they should perk up a little bit. Ill be following ur grow ;) how much did the grow box setup cost ?


Active Member
Niceee... i got some nutes today for my babies, 6-2-4 so they should perk up a little bit. Ill be following ur grow ;) how much did the grow box setup cost ?
Cool.. The grow box didn't cost me anything as I already had the stuff lying around from when I built my grow dresser.. I am making some changes to my grow dresser for a full LED grow now that I've realiZed I prob won't have enough height in my current box.. Plus in my dresser I can fit 4 plants and have 2 ft of grow space.. Just gotta wait for the funds to buy a few things I need..