Who supports the medical patients in the USA

Sadly Romney is going to take the house in '12.

No president has ever been re-elected with the economy in this shape.
Romney, Perry, Bachman...all very, very dangerous people. They all think they're better than you and know what's best for your free-thinking minds.
People need to get politically active, now more than ever before. I'm generally a conservative leaning guy, but the GOP party stance on this issue is plain unacceptable. This is supposed to be a nation "of the people, by the people, and for the people". I've been beating this drum all over the place for a few weeks now, but to anyone in Michigan or even nearby; there is a rally at the capitol building in Lansing tomorrow starting around 11:00am. I can't stress enough how important it is that we have a good turnout, and to keep things positive and respectful. Show up. Ask our representatives why they aren't upholding the will of the people, which they are sworn to do...