Since I've posted a couple of times already - looking for information - and find this to be a pretty cool site, I should say hello.
I've just gotten my med card and decided it's too expensive to buy and kind of fun to grow. Although my first attempt hasn't been all that great. Out of nine seeds four didn't germinate, and four were males. The only female is about 10 days from harvest and I'm a proud but nervous papa. I just want her to make it to the end.
I will say I gained this from the experience: A closet grow is a pain in the ass! And I won't do that again. I'm now looking into either a grow tent or a green house.
Any suggestions or advice is alway welcome. Kuddos to the guys who put this site together - great job! Hi everbody.
I've just gotten my med card and decided it's too expensive to buy and kind of fun to grow. Although my first attempt hasn't been all that great. Out of nine seeds four didn't germinate, and four were males. The only female is about 10 days from harvest and I'm a proud but nervous papa. I just want her to make it to the end.
I will say I gained this from the experience: A closet grow is a pain in the ass! And I won't do that again. I'm now looking into either a grow tent or a green house.
Any suggestions or advice is alway welcome. Kuddos to the guys who put this site together - great job! Hi everbody.