First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

SWAT Slash

Active Member
Was just checkin back on your progress dude. Lookin good still man. Haha, i just am waiting for my seeds still but ive got my growroom set-up lol


Active Member
Hey man,
Plants are looking great! I started mine right around the same time as you, but made a LOT of mistakes along the way. I'd say my plants now, at d35 of flowering, look more like yours did at day 20. It's good to see what mine could have been at this point, but now they're coming along just fine.
Wonder if yours were stunted at all by some of the issues you ran into?


Well-Known Member
what kind of soil are u using ? and as 4 that ph soil meter does it work pretty good and were did u get it ? looking good so far and as for your stinky stink problem heres what u can do thats a good deal go to its called a wind tunnel i reccomend the wind tunnel 4 its small and perfect 4 closets but they will have the filter and flange that u need and thats it vawlaa u got odor control (check ur state u might have a worms way ) good luck and check out my journal while ur at it


Well-Known Member
omg i just looked at ur whole journal are you saying that this is just some commerical seedy weed some swchagg please let me no


Well-Known Member
any new pic's comming? the smell must be gooood.
Yes Ill post up some new pics tonight... I have ran into another issue and hopefully you and some other ppl can detect it.

Hey man,
Plants are looking great! I started mine right around the same time as you, but made a LOT of mistakes along the way. I'd say my plants now, at d35 of flowering, look more like yours did at day 20. It's good to see what mine could have been at this point, but now they're coming along just fine.
Wonder if yours were stunted at all by some of the issues you ran into?
Nice I will def. check your grow out... Yeah this is my first go at all this so I have run into a lot of mistakes. I think I just ran into another, Like I said ill post some pics up tonight when I get off work and see what the issue may be. Im sure that the issues I had preflower did stunt my growth, and caused more males then I should have had.

omg i just looked at ur whole journal are you saying that this is just some commerical seedy weed some swchagg please let me no
Yeah its just random bagseed Ive gotten from different sacks, why? lol... and I believe in one of the earlier pages there is a couple pictures and descriptions on the soil choice.


Well-Known Member
Well here is the update... It has good and bad news alike in it. There Is an issue with 2 of my 4 ladies, which Im not sure of. Temps are normal, got a little high this morning while I was at work, but nothing I think would cause this. Was thinking it could have been a nute burn as I fed them last night, but It was going on prior just not a major... so any Ideas, thoughts, or suggestions on that would be extremely helpful.

The Issue (Day 34 since the switch)

Bud Shots!!!

Group Shots!!!

I like this pic

Best news yet, the seeds have arrived, purple here I come!:blsmoke:

Hit me up!!! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
whats going on with the leaves?!?..buds look damn good though! where did u order ur seeds kinda ify on ordering seeds offline with my cc


Well-Known Member

Magnesium (Mg) deficiency.
Magnesium deficiency will exhibit a yellowing (which may turn brown) and interveinal chlorosis (brown spotting) beginning in the older leaves. The older leaves will be the first to develop interveinal chlorosis. Starting at leaf margin or tip and progressing inward between the veins.
according to PLANT ABUSE CHART

its pretty common in flowering, seems kinda early tho.

-they say its caused by too much Ca, Cl, or ammonia nitrogen. so if u havent been pH'ing ur water nows a good time to start. tap water is known to leave calcium residue when it evaporates. (its the ring left around the pot when ur boiling water. it can change depending on ur area.) left on the roots it can cause lock outs.

which reminds me, when was the last time U flushed?

heres the remedy:
This can be quickly resolved by watering with 1 tablespoon Epsom salts/gallon of water. Until you can correct nutrient lockout, try foliar feeding. That way the plants get all the nitrogen and Mg they need. The plants can be foliar feed at ½ teaspoon/quart of Epsom salts (first powdered and dissolved in some hot water). When mixing up soil, use 2 teaspoon dolomite lime per gallon of soil.
If the starting water is above 200 ppm, that is pretty hard water, that will lock out mg with all of the calcium in the water. Either add a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of epsom salts or lime (both will effectively reduce the lockout or invest into a reverse osmosis water filter.

at first I woulda guessed it was a phosphorus def, but that means that ur buds woulda been under developed, and obviously theyre not.

but if it were my call I'd jus do a lil trimming.

good call on the purps. how long did they take to arrive? those skunkXhaze are gonna be monsters. even if u cross it with the purp u might end up with a sativa dominant beasts.

great job so far. best of luck


Well-Known Member
not a clue... ordered the seeds from the seed boutique... it was my first time and it went beautifully... got here in a week.


Well-Known Member
haha thanks spittin... flushed a week ago... and the PH of my water is correct... so thats why im so stumbled. and they only took one week to arrive it was perfect.


Well-Known Member
booster? as in nutes? was looking at those mg deficiency pics and they are extremely similar... although the nutes Im using have mg in them... is it just not enough? or is it just not the issue? Should I just take a gallon of PH'd water and put a tsp of Epsom salt in it and spray the shit out of my ladies? will this be a problem with the buds? Sorry for all the question, most of which are probably stupid, but im still extremely new to this, especially problem solving, and locating the correct issues.


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic update. lemme know what you think. I trimmed up some of the more damaged leafs so I hope this issue doesnt continue.

I really like this pic :D



Well-Known Member
dont panic or anything. its normal to see this in flowering. CALI and I both agree that U should just trim the leaves and continue flowering. I dunno what he meant by 'booster' tho.

I have dreams of buds like this