20x exodus cheese clones under 3x600 watt hps (pics) all welcome


Well-Known Member
Cheddar, smoke a doobie and put the Album "Dark Side of the Moon" on. Then tell me Pink Flyod does nothing. lol

Each to their own. Anyway where are pics of the Cheese. I got some seeds, its a cross between Exo Cheese and Dreamtime. Got a friend growing 10 of them for me. Hopefully get a keeper


Well-Known Member
Ok so tonight ill b throwing bud xl into the mix i love havin diffrent nutes to throw in wen i want !! Im thinkin i need to throw my heater in there to as the weather is cool through the day now and my shit is reachin 18 degrees wen lights off so a few degress more will do them the world of good even tho i know they are nt sufferin just yet i like my op to run at no less than 20 degress and no more than 30 if i can help it!!


Well-Known Member

so ive been using h+g bud xl 1 feed and canna boost the day after and all i can say is wow they are loving it soooo much as they ve put out so much theese last 3 or 4 days that u would nt reconise them !! and i suppose both boost and bud xl have diffrent quilities so ill be using the both right up to harvest on this run so i can see if theres any diffrence in quality or yeild but lookin at them now i think i might just reach my goal!!


Well-Known Member
I could have 3 mortgages easily and still have a good lifestyle with wot i earn but im happy living in a council house rent free lmao to look at it tho you d think it was a house out of next !!


Well-Known Member
hahah aint you a mortgage adviser billy? or loan shark or something?
I'm an Independent Financial Adviser. Can't really call it work. Sit in an office all day passing out work to the lads and watch over the telesales and office staff. Just gets stressful when its quiet and wages need paying. June, July and August are always slow months for us. Just make enough to pay staff and overheads, hence why I do other "activities" lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
you arent paying the wages with your 'activities' dollar tho eh :lol:

i realised a good while back i couldn't give a monkeys how much i have as long as i can do as a i please when i want. security is nice tho


Well-Known Member
Thats all mine Don. Last month we were right on the line though. Thats the first month ever, Ive never taken a wage and we nearly made a loss

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
my work is a bit like that its linked to school holidays and the summer months are tight. starting to see it turn a corner though.


Well-Known Member
Fuckin office job would kill me bill id b climbin yhe walls to get out like a fuckin monkey in a peanut jar lmao i like to b travelin round site seeing and shit meetin new people everyday its hard collar scaffoldin but good money to b fair i ve been in the same company for 7+ years neva been laid off or nothin like that so im futunate as i do know alot of peeps in same job that are doin 4 or 3 day weeks or gettin fucked off!! That i could nt handle


Well-Known Member
you arent paying the wages with your 'activities' dollar tho eh :lol:

i realised a good while back i couldn't give a monkeys how much i have as long as i can do as a i please when i want. security is nice tho
Me bro as long as the kids are fine healthy fed with money wen there old enough to realise the meanin of hard work and the misses is happy so i can live a quite life and im good. ow and beer and smoke money for myself everyday !!