Club 600


Well-Known Member
Glad it's sunny for you bru. It's finally cooling off down here, so it seems good weather for all.

I know, right?? GG always has the dopest glass. . . you havin' a good one, jig?
I'm having a great one. Talked to an old buddy for a few hours on the phone... caught up on my favorite show, PTI, and set a time on friday night to pick up my new guitar amp. I found the one I want on craigslist, and amazingly the guy sounds normal, he can spell, uses punctuation, and he lives right by me. Oh and he's charging way less than he should... I'm not telling him though. Plus it's the beginning of a 6 day weekend for me, lol. No class till next wed. woo hoo. Can't wait for college football this weekend. And today I thought of an epic series of pics to take maybe friday. I have a theme in mind... and think it might turn out cool. We'll see what you guys think.

Thanks for asking bobo.


Well-Known Member
So when it the Club 600 band forming?? Remember my Triangle skills will always come in useful!!! I always liked smashing it up with the glockenspiel as well (what a great word!!!!)


Well-Known Member
Does it matter if your light is in an open room? Like does that effect the light dispersion very much, or will it cover a certain square footage regardless? I always thought you had to have your grow area inclosed to not let the light out...?
directed light is lost light....i know for a fact


Well-Known Member
Light travels in waves and as such I do not believe it can actually get lost. It can effectively cancel itself out when troughs and peaks cross each other, but being lost.....I don't think so (or believe so, always willing to be proven wrong though). Perhaps maximisation should be used.
Sorry to be pedantic.

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
Check disss tunes out!




Well-Known Member
Good morning/afternoon/evening/night to all!

So when it the Club 600 band forming?? Remember my Triangle skills will always come in useful!!! I always liked smashing it up with the glockenspiel as well (what a great word!!!!)
Heh, heh, in the bands I hung around in my mis-spent youth, there was always room in a band for someone to play tamborine, though it was usually reserved for a band members lady when one would insist on getting involved.
So tambourines became known as "The Girlfriend Instrument".
For a guy to have to play them was like riding "Bitch" on the back of a buddy's Hog.
When I was a little kid, I tried them out (they looked cool in the old music films of the 60's & early 70's), but they hurt my palm so bad! I just don't see how they played the things so long an so often.
Same with trumpet/coronet.
Love the sound & the 3 fingers. but could never get past how "buzzy" & tickly it was to the tips of my lips in the mouthpiece. The only instruments I never learned to play were from the brass section.

Club 600 band names?

600 Watts
Pipe Dream
28 Grams
Quarter Pounder
QP Dolls

I got tons of ideas, anyone else want to chime in?

*or how about "More Cowbells"


Well-Known Member
just so you know I am not talking out of my arse. Open your curtains slightly in the middle and look across at the light pattern in your room. Stips of light basically.

Light travels in waves and as such I do not believe it can actually get lost. It can effectively cancel itself out when troughs and peaks cross each other, but being lost.....I don't think so (or believe so, always willing to be proven wrong though). Perhaps maximisation should be used.
Sorry to be pedantic.
Anykangaroo, some pics....
outdoors is trying it's hardest to flower.

moved this one into the greenhouse.

and when the toms are down I'll probably shift the big berthas into this part of the greenhouse (slightly taller there).

And my indica dominant Deep Blue male stud F3 stinkaramaframalama.....




Well-Known Member
The way i think of it as far as directed.light being better is the plants underneath my lights always grow better than the ones off to the side...BUT THEN AGAIN IM SUCH A POTTED I GROW MY i could be wrong..


Well-Known Member
Light travels in waves and as such I do not believe it can actually get lost. It can effectively cancel itself out when troughs and peaks cross each other, but being lost.....I don't think so (or believe so, always willing to be proven wrong though). Perhaps maximisation should be used.
Sorry to be pedantic.
just for the record..i DON'T KNOW for a fact..didn't mean it that just sure that they grow better with a reflector directing it..every book I've read has said a reflector is important and the bulb should be horizontal


Well-Known Member
limit to three in the band....or they could be the backing singers......"The Three-chomes."