Flowering plants wilting badly [PICS]


Okay, here's my problem:

My plants are about 4 - 5 weeks into flowering and their leaves (mostly fan leaves) are beginning to wilt from the bottom of the plant and slowly progressing to it's top.

At first i thought this was normal in the flowering stage, but it's really looking like an iron deficiency. I am using a fert that contains iron, but maybe it's a deficiency caused by PH or watering levels?

Or is this just normal flowering stage wilting and nothing to worry about?

Pics showing the different stages of wilting, second really looks like iron to me:


Take a whole plant pic please. It really sounds and looks like an N def. How much longer do you have in flower? If you have a longer flowering indica or sativa then you need to account for the in your nute regiment. Rule the iron def out because it starts in new leaves.
Also if it states its a 8 week flowering strain, then add another week to that if your in soil. most breeders market there strains in hydro time.


As requested, a pic of the entire plant. Leaves started wilting near the bottom but it's progressing upward, kinda fast actually.

Plant should flower for about 4 more weeks.

I heard that every plant wilts naturally during flowering because it sucks N out of it's unneeded fan leaves. Maybe this is what's happening?

Or is this happening too soon and really an N deficiency?

Should i increase the nutes? Or could this be caused by watering or PH?



Active Member
it does look like a iron def, but it could also be 'N' at this late stage in the game nitrogen is often tapered off too much leaving a def too soon in the life cycle. the smartest choice right now would be to see what nutrients are in your feeding regimen and adjust as such. but more importantly it may be something else in your settup causing nute lockout of certain nutes. if you have all the primary secondary and micro nutrients in your feed. than your problem doesnt lie in a def but ina lockout of something. is your ph on point? how are the heat levels? its an outdoor plant so are there any other factors that come into play i/e pests or any other hindrance? its not that easy to spot and diagnose a plant problem at this stage. especially since a 'n' def and iron def looks so similar in the later stages. i would start at the beginning ant make sure everything the plant needs is being given before adding anything new that could compound the problem. hope this helps a bit. goodluck


Active Member
Looks like a nitrogen and magnesium deficiency...
a mag def would leave more necrotic spots on the leaves and at the tips. yes it does look like a 'N' def but before he adds nitrogen messing something else up he needs to asses his garden making sure that it doesnt have enough of everything but it being locked out by something else. this is just my opinion. goodluck with it peace


Notice the few fans they haave yellowed yet the veins remain green, magnesium deficient....
I thought that as well when the wilting first started. Then i looked at my fertilizer and noticed it was missing magnesium. So i quickly changed to a fertilizer that DID contain magnesium. But that was 2 weeks ago and it really didn't help at all.

So i guess it must be a lockout of some kind.

This wilting is too soon then if the plant has about 4 more weeks to go?


New Member
I do still think its a combination N/Mg def. You may have addressed the Mg issue but still need to get a bit of N. Fish Emulsion is a wonderful thing in these types of situations. Dont concentrate on the leaves already affected, they will remain pretty much the same or get possibly get worse. What you what to watch is if it is continuing to spread. That plant looks pretty healthy overall so I really doubt you have any lockout/up issues. I would go chasing that just yet.....


Active Member
When the plant sucks the N out of the unwanted leaves that's during the 7-10 week of flowering. You are in week 4-5 therefore feed your plant some more Nitrogen.


New Member
When the plant sucks the N out of the unwanted leaves that's during the 7-10 week of flowering. You are in week 4-5 therefore feed your plant some more Nitrogen.
Keep em green till the end. Yellowing late in flower and flushing the last 2 weeks are complete cannabis forum myths that only diminish your final results.