help with my flowering white rhino!? paper cuppling leaves!?


Well-Known Member
You right about sticking to soil, I didn't like preparing the rock wool for 7 gallons pots:lol:
Your wrong about the first pic this is what I stride for it's my ideal plant~ I'm pretty sure I'll feed'em tomorrow and hopefully I'll show you!


New Member
appears theres a heat and humidity issue i would suggest spraying them girls ASAP get fresh air in there at all times as well a humidifire would come in handy


Well-Known Member
Keep me posted dude, i dont like my plants too dark green generally, some strains seem darker than others but basically when i get shiny leaves i know my plant has reached max fert level, any more and i get dark green leaves and eventual burning.

Seems like we have slightly different ideas about the general green colour of our plants, i like a lighter green allover and never show a deficiency. Either way its gona be intresting seeing what the ferts do to your plants, i hope i am wrong anyway but i still think that second pic shows a healthy growing plant more than the first pic. My opinion counts for little so lets just see what happens, im sure others will agree to feed and im not saying for sure either way just it will be good to nail this down.

Personally soil fits into my everyday life better and is way more forgiving if i miss a feed or watering so i prefer it, wish i could run some hydro and rockwool but maybe one day i will have a go, as for now im loving soil so much and having some good fun in it. Good luck dude and keep us posted here, may help others in the future.

I do like your grows though, lovely plants normally and you got passion so rock on dude. Peace


Active Member
If its at the top of the plant,MOVE THE LIGHT.........They are definitely too close. I've been there and done it. It only takes a few inches. Don't make a big move.


my temps are at 73-83 througout the day. i didnt know i can have humidity problems with my dwc. lol my garden is eneven i admit. my first scrog and i dont think i did it right. my rez is ground level and my babies are growing taller than i expected. when i flowered them under the net they were merely 1ft and half tall.(with bending) im 5ft8 and these plants are at my eye level. should i jus keep bending the top colas to get them under the light?

and i also have a thrip infestation and it is annoying! i at least kill 15 thrips a day with my hand. i put like 20 ladybugs in there a couple weeks ago but the thrips are still present. how much harm can they do if there covering like 10% of my foilage right now? what should i do? and i cant move my plants out of my closet.(not possible)( stupid way i set up my scrog)

The reason i said too much ferts or salt build up is because when a plant tends to get too much fertilizer the leaves, especially the top leaves, go real dark green, at first they go real shiny and it looks like they are doing nice and healthy, there like at max grow mode cause they got every fert they need and more. Eventually these high ferts overpower the plant and the top turns dull very dark green whilst bottom and top leaves show burn signs and leaf drop. I often see my plants look like yours but they are overferted. Try see if you can underfert the next plants you germinate to see where the happy medium with ferts is. Now not that this or yours is overferted but i do strongly notice leaf edge curling and twisting as well as those big ridges on older fan leaves, what can i say but probably the plant is trying its hardest to process as much water and ferts as possible and either transpiring too much or the stomata have already given up.Yer it dose look like heat stress and temps but overferting will do the same especially when the leaves go from shiny to dark green. New growth dose look nice but soon turns dark also.Took me little over two weeks from the time i flushed from overferting to get my plants back to being almost normal and new growth staying a fresh green not dark and ugly. Probably some nutrients have locked too, purple stalks etc etc but this is only a guess.Ghetto your plant is definatly trying to tell you somthing, i know little of rockwool or pH in it but if all is sweet then consider the ferts are slightly too strong or possibly over time it has caused slight salt buildup. I dint even think you could get salt buildup in rockwool but i know little about it. Please consider what i have said, i dont say its the cause or fix but merely a very good observation. Peace
most of the dark green leaves are at the top. than like maybe 4 colas, the leaves are curling up than the rest of them are fine. my limited space grow is out of control!


so i shall mist my plants and try to get the humidity would i do that if i didnt have a humidifier? and i pick 5 there are those shits that thrips have been leaving. so it makes them look very ugly. How can i fix that prob?


Active Member
you can simply stick a container of water in the room with the plant and that will help the humidity. works just as a body of water outdoors


you can simply stick a container of water in the room with the plant and that will help the humidity. works just as a body of water outdoors
i am going to try that today and see how it works. i put a little bowl of water in there.


Well-Known Member
Address the thrip problem first too, thrips are very bad when out of control, a few never hurt no plant but with the right conditions they reproduce fast and can bring down your plant easily.

Cover the soil so the thrips cant get in, they lay eggs in the leaf which drop onto the moist soil where they hatch and live before running up the plant stem and muching leaves and then they turn into flies laying more eggs, is a complicated cycle but one that will screw you over big time. I cover my pots with tin foil allowing air to get in underneath, this sheilds the soil and no soil no baby thrips. Next take care of the adult flies and thrips on the leaves, i use organic methods mainly but there are 101 different ways and chemicals, find advice of others here.

Thrips are bad news, you can have a few and keep them at bay and damage will be minimal but any more and your done for. Peace


Active Member
You're 4 weeks into flower and using all 3 of the FF nutes? I thought they were to be used in a line of each other? As in one then the other and then the next not all at the same time.


Address the thrip problem first too, thrips are very bad when out of control, a few never hurt no plant but with the right conditions they reproduce fast and can bring down your plant easily.

Cover the soil so the thrips cant get in, they lay eggs in the leaf which drop onto the moist soil where they hatch and live before running up the plant stem and muching leaves and then they turn into flies laying more eggs, is a complicated cycle but one that will screw you over big time. I cover my pots with tin foil allowing air to get in underneath, this sheilds the soil and no soil no baby thrips. Next take care of the adult flies and thrips on the leaves, i use organic methods mainly but there are 101 different ways and chemicals, find advice of others here.

Thrips are bad news, you can have a few and keep them at bay and damage will be minimal but any more and your done for. Peace
well i ddont have would that mean they would jus fall onto my rubber maid dwc and die? i started using tobacco juice. i really didnt want to but i rather not have the bugs in my bud. i jus did another feeding of the juice today. will see how they look tomorrow.


You're 4 weeks into flower and using all 3 of the FF nutes? I thought they were to be used in a line of each other? As in one then the other and then the next not all at the same time.
i found this grow op journal that had great results. i mixed qtr strength of each till last 3wkks and jus use chaching and carbo max than flush for 1-2 weeks


Well-Known Member
well i ddont have would that mean they would jus fall onto my rubber maid dwc and die? i started using tobacco juice. i really didnt want to but i rather not have the bugs in my bud. i jus did another feeding of the juice today. will see how they look tomorrow.
Thrips without soil, intresting, is it just the flies you are seeing or the wingless young that live and eat the leaves? As i see it the eggs need the moisture from the soil to hatch or else they dry up very quickly, i think any standing water is bad too. Peace


Thrips without soil, intresting, is it just the flies you are seeing or the wingless young that live and eat the leaves? As i see it the eggs need the moisture from the soil to hatch or else they dry up very quickly, i think any standing water is bad too. Peace
i havent seen any winged ones yet...they are jus feasting on the foilage so some of my foilage was completely covered with black poop so ive had to cut some older fan leaves off. i have some seltzer in standin water right above the plants. its to keep humidity up and maybe supplement a little co2


Well-Known Member
i havent seen any winged ones yet...they are jus feasting on the foilage so some of my foilage was completely covered with black poop so ive had to cut some older fan leaves off. i have some seltzer in standin water right above the plants. its to keep humidity up and maybe supplement a little co2
Sounds like thrips, take action to kill them dead on the leaves then before they turn into egg laying flies, i normally just cover my soil, spread tinfoil around the bright spots, give it a few weeks and they are gone but your situation is obviously different, i only ever use passive methods to disperse thrips or predator nematodes and mites never chemical sprays or anything similar so cant offer any advice for you here.

What i will say is if it is thrips then take action before the population becomes established and you realise that thrips can topple a marijuana plant very quickly. Peace