What's Will All The Religion Hatred?


Well-Known Member
God created the universe, galaxy upon galaxy, just so he could have a special relationship with one species of primate on one planet in one solar system. That relationship is qualified with a test, which is; can you believe in me based on nothing but the poorest of evidence. If you can't, he sets you on fire indefinitely. If you can, then he collects money and gives you a strict set of rules to follow, rules which he breaks himself daily.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with this premise and believe that the only stronghold organized religion has had throughout human history is that people haven't been able to fact check it for themselves. With the advent of the internet, things have already drastically changed direction.

I think we will see the end of organized religion, at least in western civilizations, within the century.
a century? i really do think you're deluding yourself. centuries from now there will be people clinging to their mythologies. you seem so convinced that logic can sway the mind of man, ignoring the irrational aspects of the species. things like our notions of romantic love, filial devotion and altruism are all linked to our illogical, emotional selves. there will never be enough "facts" to convince us that everything we "feel" is wrong. in accepting the fallibility of our perceptions, we admit that even our "facts" may be incorrect and therein lies the final loophole for even the most judicious of us.


Well-Known Member
I would not follow a god who thinks it's ok to rape, murder, steal little girls tricycles. The god I believe in (I'm a Christian) gives you free will to agree with him or not, so with that being said if he was evil I would probably sadly hate him because he would be the picture of evil, now if he was good (which he is) he would teach things of peace and love, which is the reason I follow him.

But I must also say that just because beardo believes god can do whatever he wants does not mean beardo agrees with god it just means he believes god has the power to do as he wishes. I agree that god can do as he wishes but i have the free will to believe he is wrong. But I can see if those 50-100 million Americans believed that because god can do it they should do it (murder, rape, thievery) then yes it would be an epidemic.
i saw this yesterday. it has to do with what youre talkin about, so ill post it here


Well-Known Member
centuries from now there will be people clinging to their mythologies.
I agree, but I don't think it will be anything like it is today. Not on a global level. If it is, I don't think there will be a "centuries from now" to come.

you seem so convinced that logic can sway the mind of man, ignoring the irrational aspects of the species. things like our notions of romantic love, filial devotion and altruism are all linked to our illogical, emotional selves.
I'm not sure what you're getting at..

Why can't we have those in a religionless world?

there will never be enough "facts" to convince us that everything we "feel" is wrong.
The facts ensure our feelings are right and explain why they're right.

in accepting the fallibility of our perceptions, we admit that even our "facts" may be incorrect and therein lies the final loophole for even the most judicious of us.
Our perceptions are fallible, but the scientific method isn't when applied properly. Subjective opinions are meaningless, objective facts can be quantified, regardless of our perceptions of them.


Well-Known Member

Don't take the defensive. I said it was just an observation. I also said "the people who tend to be religious"in an attempt to eliminate confusion. I also didn't say they were inferior to me, or that I was better than them. I said they tend to have inferior spelling and grammar. There are plenty of religious people who I knoware smarter than I am, I know some of these people personally. Being religious doesn't make you stupid, and I've never said it does.

Take a look at beardo's posts, then take a look at Heis' or MP's, there is a clear difference in levels of intellect. It's not 'elitest' to point this out. It says something about the person behind the keyboard and the way they think.

I directed a question to you in my last post specifically, what do you think about that?
Spelling is not the only measure of intellegence or worth. Athiests and false religious hippocrites are dangerous- Enjoy the hell of your own creation elitist NWO scum


Well-Known Member
Spelling is not the only measure of intellegence or worth. Athiests and false religious hippocrites are dangerous- Enjoy the hell of your own creation elitist NWO scum
I think it's been established that your intellectual capacity is evidenced by far more than simple grammar and spelling errors. Pretty much any term or sentence you get right would be an example of a hideous and deep seated aversion or ineptitude toward intellectual thought. The stuff you spell wrong just offers a distraction in the case of aversion, and confirmation in the case of ineptitude.


Well-Known Member
I think it's been established that your intellectual capacity is evidenced by far more than simple grammar and spelling errors. Pretty much any term or sentence you get right would be an example of a hideous and deep seated aversion or ineptitude toward intellectual thought. The stuff you spell wrong just offers a distraction in the case of aversion, and confirmation in the case of ineptitude.
Nerds are evil and should be delt with accordingly- Science is really not progress but a dangerous burdon- Igonerance is bliss-


Well-Known Member
i side with beardo here. i dont care if you all call me whatever, but he does make a point. What makes you guys smarter or better then me or beardo just cause we type different then you? just cause we dont pontificate so much like others, does that mean we are stupid?

Nerds are evil and should be delt with accordingly- Science is really not progress but a dangerous burdon- Igonerance is bliss-


Well-Known Member
i side with beardo here. i dont care if you all call me whatever, but he does make a point. What makes you guys smarter or better then me or beardo just cause we type different then you? just cause we dont pontificate so much like others, does that mean we are stupid?
Maybe were a higher step on your theory of evolutionary - maybe God has gifted us and we have evolved to use a better form of language.


Well-Known Member
i side with beardo here. i dont care if you all call me whatever, but he does make a point. What makes you guys smarter or better then me or beardo just cause we type different then you? just cause we dont pontificate so much like others, does that mean we are stupid?
Maybe were a higher step on your theory of evolutionary - maybe God has gifted us and we have evolved to use a better form of language.


Well-Known Member
Maybe were a higher step on your theory of evolutionary - maybe God has gifted us and we have evolved to use a better form of language.
So inability to use proper grammar is a step up? I wish I could be as self-deluded as you appear to be, it must really be blissful.


Well-Known Member
Why can't we have those in a religionless world?
that's a little like asking why we can't have a flower without all that annoying green foliage getting in the way. it all comes from the same place. while there are chemical and sociological causes for these things, that they manifest themselves in the way they do is as irrational as the god myth itself.

Our perceptions are fallible, but the scientific method isn't when applied properly.
i can appreciate your devotion to the rigors of science, but your fanaticism on the matter is a naive conceit. our observation effects that which we observe and our interpretation of the "facts" revealed places human bias into the equation. the scientific method is a human creation and as imperfect as its creators.


Well-Known Member
that's a little like asking why we can't have a flower without all that annoying green foliage getting in the way. it all comes from the same place. while there are chemical and sociological causes for these things, that they manifest themselves in the way they do is as irrational as the god myth itself.
So what? I asked you why we couldn't have love, filial devotion or altruism in a religionless world. You seem to be the one making that claim. What do you have to support that?

Furthermore, I'm not arguing against irrationality in this context, I'm arguing against blind devotion, the consequences of which are astronomical.

I couldn't care less what people do, irrational or not, as long as it doesn't affect anyone else in a way which they don't approve of. Would I like people to think and educate themselves? Of course, but people are free to do what they want, and expecting everyone to do it is unrealistic.

i can appreciate your devotion to the rigors of science, but your fanaticism on the matter is a naive conceit. our observation effects that which we observe and our interpretation of the "facts" revealed places human bias into the equation. the scientific method is a human creation and as imperfect as its creators.
The scientific method eliminates human bias, which is one of the major reasons it was designed the way it was. But instead of saying "it's flawed!" and that's that, tell me how it's flawed, give me an example in which the scientific method was applied properly yet human bias or other human factors contributed to incorrect results.



Well-Known Member
Isn't it clear that as science provides answers and context, we do see cultures moving away from theological myths? They are still abundant and pervasive, but you don't often see people bury alive a newborn in the foundation of a building to protect it from harm anymore. If you want to argue that the idea of god will still exist then I buy that, but religion as a path to god I believe will eventually move away from mythology and dogma. As science explains more and more, dogma is needed less and less. Even when science does explain things people tend to append god to the explanation, but the idea that god exists behind quantum physics or authored the big bang is much different than the idea that god will burn you forever if you don't follow certain rules.


Well-Known Member
pad, you're just getting silly now. your own "blind devotion" to the infallibility of the scientific method seems to have reached its fever pitch. you want "proof" of science's fallibility? just what proof do you desire? scientific proof? can't you see the bizarre nature of your request? look to our present infatuation with agw (or whatever they're calling it these days) for an example of the flaws in our "science". the truth may very well be staring us in the face, but it is our interpretations of the evidence that is the flaw. repeatability demands interpretation and consensus can only give us the bias of the majority. it isn't that the method fails to give us facts, but how we choose to see these facts and how we act on them that is the fallibility in the system. as hard as you may try, you simply can't divorce the human element from the method which he created.

do you really think we can simply excise one set of feelings from all of humanity? religion exists within the consciousness of man and it plays on his emotions, just as our notions of love do. we have faith in these things, we experience them along with millions of other people, despite there being no basis for their existence.


Well-Known Member
.....the idea that god exists behind quantum physics or authored the big bang is much different than the idea that god will burn you forever if you don't follow certain rules.
is it? the punishment for attempting to thwart the laws of nature are often cataclysmic and seeing the hand of god behind such punishment is no different than believing that some deity consigns us to the fires of hell for transgressing its other rules. it is merely redefining the agency of the god myth's design.