Example how "Big Buisness contribute's toward's charity".....

If your a waitress or a weed grower your raise will come as soon as one of his bills pass, otherwise Im not sure if I can give you an estimate, hopefully 2013 or 2014 if he is elected president.


cool starry, bra.

meanwhile, my wife is able to buy health insurance and i saved enough in taxes that i was able to invest my way out of the working world. also, the highway to and from town has an extra lane right where it used to get bottlenecked and my wife has no co-pay on her birth control.

i think i'll take that over some pie in the sky pipe dream promise that ron paul will single-handedly legalize weed and punt the superbowl winning field goal with a dead baby.
hilarious post, but very sad at the same time, the dead babie thing though - that was just uncalled for ;)
so thats it really? you like it how it is and thats the way she goes? the fucking way she goes?

hilarious post, but very sad at the same time, the dead babie thing though - that was just uncalled for ;)

taken from a chuck norris joke.

all of those things i named: the tax breaks, the health care, the easier drive into town with less wasted gas...all are direct results of the democrats "girly talk". all tangible effects of legislation that was passed by democrats. that is what happens when you shoot for the center, instead of some ron paulesque gold standard pipe dream.
so thats it really? you like it how it is and thats the way she goes? the fucking way she goes?

am i thrilled that cannabis is still not re-legalized? nope. is obama going to change that? nope. is ron paul going to change that? nope.

you know what will change that? voter initiatives. it is the ONLY way to change that. potheads are too easy a political target, so we have to do it ourselves.

that's just the fucking way she goes.
easier drive in to town with less wasted gas? what? healthcare? what are you talking about?

the american recovery and reinvestment act. improving our infrastructure, making it easier for goods and services to flow along our nation's great highway system.

they put the lanes in just the right place. highway 26 west of portland. it would always bottleneck when you hit beaverton and become stop and go for 3 miles or so until you hit hillsboro. not so much anymore, now traffic moves.

health care: the patient protection and affordable care act. my wife can now buy insurance despite a pre-existing condition. pretty important thing for her, since she has millions in assets and needs to protect them in case of catastrophic injury or illness. preventative care covered for free under that act, which means no co-pay for her birth control anymore. puts $35 in her pocket every month. a mere $420 a year saved for her.

making work pay tax credits put $800 in my pocket over the last couple years, and exempting the first $2400 of my unemployment from taxes when i was not working saved me another $250 or so. i took my tax return this year and invested it, quit my shitty paying job and have not looked back.

all thanks to the democrats. to be fair, a handful of republicans did assent to the american recovery and reinvestment act. now back to trailer park boys.
so the most important thing to you in this life is immediate results and not the longterm? sure seems that way...your good so fuck it right? we can go another 100 years?
I hear ya UB,,,I'm wondering if there are say 15 million unemployed how the fuck are they getting to work???,,,DC,jersey,,NY...etc...is a friggin' mess,,,How are more people to work when they can't get there?,,,Hell the bridge's and all infastructure is old and outdated and dangerous for you me and our familie's,,,That is where the new job's need to start.
how are people getting to work? drama..wow...its not hard to get to work, I drive hundreds of miles through shitty michigan roads to work no problem
Yea how about we not have so many restrictions on public transportation and let anyone start up a cab with a sign in their window and there ya go...jobs...
so the most important thing to you in this life is immediate results and not the longterm? sure seems that way...your good so fuck it right? we can go another 100 years?

investment in infrastructure is not long term?

investing in the health of our citizens is not long term?

perhaps you and i have different ideas about what "long term" means.
by long term I mean social security, medicaid, medicare, etc...all these programs and more need to be improved, but you just want to keep it just how it is..
how are people getting to work? drama..wow...its not hard to get to work, I drive hundreds of miles through shitty michigan roads to work no problem
i drive through 38 of the 50 states as my job to give you your whatever to survive at your local joint...Michigan Included,,,Ughh,,,if you have been in rush hour in a major city maybe you would have an idea about drama. and making a dollar as someone beside's the mule is making million's
by long term I mean social security, medicaid, medicare, etc...all these programs and more need to be improved, but you just want to keep it just how it is..

i want to keep it how it is?


raise the cap on SS and it is solvent forever.

expand medicare to all (ie, single payer) and it is more solvent with everyone in the pool rather than just the sickest and oldest people.

easy stuff, tough to implement. ron paul ain't gonna accomplish shit trying to tear them all down. he'll just piss off a lot of americans who rely on these programs.
it seems to me your attitude is like...My rights aren't being infringed, Im not being killed, my life is good, and you don't really care about the real victims in our society, shit my life is fucking awesome I love it but I know who the bad guys are and they are the anti-human scum that make up politics, lawyers, and corporations.
it seems to me your attitude is like...My rights aren't being infringed, Im not being killed, my life is good, and you don't really care about the real victims in our society, shit my life is fucking awesome I love it but I know who the bad guys are and they are the anti-human scum that make up politics and corporations.

who are they killing? people who try to incite attacks against the US? fine with me.

i can't name one right i had before that is being infringed as we speak. care to take a crack?