Tryin to prove sum1 wrong


Well-Known Member
So you guys are thinking it IS? Spider mites?

Ive looked really close at the Pictures I found and didnt see any little red bugs. And this guys pictures of his other plants dont seem to have the same issues in the same room
its multiple things. but that is a possibilty u will see them crawling under the leaves look like specs of pepper


Well-Known Member
I think if there are any spider mites on there it's the least of his problems. He needs to flush with ph'd water first off, the he needs to bump down the amount of nutes he's giving them.


Well-Known Member
his whole point though is he is trying to prove to someone it is or isnt mites lol for some reason he doesnt care that the plant is essentially dying lol


New Member
Ok Ive looked at dozens of pictures off this guys private ftp server and I do not see any little black spots of pepper. He has lots of photos of this one plant. Seems to think it is nute burn from a PH problem evident in only one plant


Well-Known Member
idk if i would wanna spray azamax 2 weeks out
Yeah totally safe. Well, the label says it's safe to spray day of harvest anyway. They pretty much leave when you harvest the bud anyway so he would just have to fight them off for 2 more weeks until he can chop.


New Member
I think if there are any spider mites on there it's the least of his problems. He needs to flush with ph'd water first off, the he needs to bump down the amount of nutes he's giving them.
Excellent suggestion. Do you think it will make it 2 more weeks?


Well-Known Member
Ok Ive looked at dozens of pictures off this guys private ftp server and I do not see any little black spots of pepper. He has lots of photos of this one plant. Seems to think it is nute burn from a PH problem evident in only one plant
Yep, sounds right to me.


Well-Known Member
Excellent suggestion. Do you think it will make it 2 more weeks?
Yeah I've seen some in a lot worse condition than that. I think it will make it the next 2 weeks if he babies it. Honestly if it were mine, I probably wouldn't even feed it anything but plain ph'd water from here on out just to be on the safe side.


New Member
Yeah I've seen some in a lot worse condition than that. I think it will make it the next 2 weeks if he babies it. Honestly if it were mine, I probably wouldn't even feed it anything but plain ph'd water from here on out just to be on the safe side.
Plain water PH of 6.5 and cal mag for soil sound about right?

Hopefully I will never have this guys problems if I ever grow

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Well whoevers plant this is might not make it 2 more weeks. Thats what I was thinking when I ran across this hypothetical situation
Would you chop early? 2 weeks to go?

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I wouldn't chop at this point. Let her run. This girl was looking just like that a month before I cut her. She aint gonna croak before you cut. My girl looked like shit (The sole survivor of my first grow, out of 20 plants), but the smoke was killer!
Now THATS a classic Ca/Mg deficiency!!!!



New Member
So just up the Cal mag? keep the Ph 6.5?

Man When I get ready to grow (if I ever do) I will be totally schooled


New Member
I like 6.8 or 7 in soil, but yeah, up the cal/mag just to prevent further damage.
My water is naturally at 7.0 out of the tap

So I would never need to ph adjust?

It looks like this guy maybe had some ph down that didnt dissolve and this one plant got a hot shot of acid water

Ive heard of it happeneing before

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
That would do it if enough was undissolved. I wouldn't be so concerned about the pH going in with that kind of tap water. Check the run-off. Thats what will tell you whats going inside the root ball.


New Member
See like i said nute burnt burnt and not spider mites

Bro i see your trying to make a pount but do you really feel the need to call me a asshole? Sigh...