Strawberry Question


Well-Known Member
so i bought this $2 strawberry grow kit. it really didn't say much except the directions. i did a little bit of internet research but couldn't find much i am hopping that someone here has grown them before. these are going to be strawberry temptation (if they grow).

to my question....

germination times-all i could find was that it would take like at minimum 2 weeks. (it has now been about a month) and i have one sprout (out of like 14 seeds). should it take this long or what.

i have included a pic because i am hoping someone has grown them and can tell me even if this is a strawberry or something that fell in the pot.

oh yeah it said not to overwater i didn't notice no holes in the bottom it stormed and flooded once i put holes in right after. should i just buy a new one or is this sprout a strawberry for $2 i can accept one plant.


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if its been a month than chances are your not going to get any more sprouts, its possible in the next week or 2 but very unlikely, it was probably only 2 bucks for a reason, sry to tell ya. i've grown strawberries from seed befor and i think its more of a pain than just buying plants when it gets a little warmer. good luck tho
if its been a month than chances are your not going to get any more sprouts, its possible in the next week or 2 but very unlikely, it was probably only 2 bucks for a reason, sry to tell ya. i've grown strawberries from seed befor and i think its more of a pain than just buying plants when it gets a little warmer. good luck tho

I think your right.. I buy them as cuttings where they sell the runners like from park seed. I never have and probably wouldnt go from seed also because of the amount of time they take to bare fruit.. runners sold are usually from plants already mature enough to produce. From seed I think your second year is where they actually begin to fully produce if Im not mistaken.
Some seeds just arent worth the effort IMHO. Good luck though.
Oh and 1 comment on the pics.. the first one would give the appearrence that your medium is rather dry due to the seperation from around the edges.
Maybe its from you moving the pots..IDK. What are you growing them in anyway? I hear most people grow in straight perlite, or perlite sand mix as they require good drainage. Sure hope the seeds come around, what temps you germinating in.. may want to see if you can find the seeds and put them in a warm place between wet papertowls until you see them emerge..
well it came as a full kit with the medium the pot and the seeds. it is also "guaranteed to grow". but the soil was not dry it is from moving the pot. these are supposed to be ever barring strawberries and should grow most any time of the year and fruit. says to plant after the last frost which i did. but the temps it was kinda cold out at first so i brought them inside. then i figured i still had room in my grow box so i through them in there. the medium itself isn't really even like soil it is kinda strange. i was hoping someone could tell me whether that is a strawberry sprout or not. but if this doesn't work i'll spend the $2 to get another.

can i really germinate the strawberry seeds in paper towels? if so and i have to do it again i will do it that way. and they really are supposed to take a bit of time to germinate? thanks for the replies and the help....
I havent seen a seed yet that wouldnt start in a kept warm, wet paper towl.
I dont use it on the no brainers like basil and matos that almost always germ.
As the towl dries I take warm top water in my hand and gently aloow the drop to resaturate the paper towl. I always fold the papertowl in half and then half again. wet towl, put seed in between last fold i made, and put that inside a plastic bolw with the lid cracked a bit. I now have furnace room so I keep it in there where the room is always between 78-80 or so. I just bought a biodome and am tying that right now.
I am starting out doing some aero berries. Right now I just have Strawberries and a native berry that I took cuttings of known as a dewberry.




Those have been in for about 3 days, these have been in soil for about 3 weeks. Also I have them in a shed under 400 watts of HPS but the pots will move outdoors when the season rolls around.


Here is the dewberry, they are like blackberries but bloom earlier and produce tons more.

did you grow the strawberries from seed? if so did yours take a long time to sprout and can you tell if that pic is a strawberry?
Lowes, home depot, any garden store really.

You could also look into Park Seed, where they sell like 25 plant for $10.
They ship at diffrent times depending on your zone.. but worth a try.
This is where I got mine from and they ship in about another week.
i still have no idea. but if you can see it it looks like there is a green film like mold on top of the soil.


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so i bought this $2 strawberry grow kit. it really didn't say much except the directions. i did a little bit of internet research but couldn't find much i am hopping that someone here has grown them before. these are going to be strawberry temptation (if they grow).

to my question....

germination times-all i could find was that it would take like at minimum 2 weeks. (it has now been about a month) and i have one sprout (out of like 14 seeds). should it take this long or what.

i have included a pic because i am hoping someone has grown them and can tell me even if this is a strawberry or something that fell in the pot.

oh yeah it said not to overwater i didn't notice no holes in the bottom it stormed and flooded once i put holes in right after. should i just buy a new one or is this sprout a strawberry for $2 i can accept one plant.
i just bought a hangin strawberry basket im gonna start growing it some time soon or should i say my girlfriend is gonna grpw it hope it works i will let u no if so
Those hanging bags work real well. Just make sure your bag has the holes in the bottom for drainage. I bought a couple when parks had their special on them and they did real well, but the damn birds always beat me to it so I transplaanted them to a planter to get them away from the trees and then the mice beat me to it, so I built a chicken wire cage around it.. finally got a few before I had to move to NJ and leave them behind :cry:
I plan on picking up a few, the only reason I have waited this long is we have had a couple of late freezes.
what do you guys think about the moldy look on top of the soil?

I wouldnt worry about it. Its natural when the light hits the wet growing medium. I like to use a top inch or so of coco coir so when I water, it dries first/faster reducing fuzzy growth and also helps keep the soil under moist, but you should wait until your plants sprout I would think you wouldnt want them strecthing out to get through the coco IMHO